Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Calendula Lotion

Today I made homemade calendula lotion. The recipe was quite simple. I infused olive oil with calendula petals. I previously made calendula salve for Taylor, for her eczema. This time I thought I'd turn it into lotion, so her whole body wouldn't feel so oily. I infused the oil for 5 1/2 days in my crockpot. Super easy!

3/4 cup olive oil
3T beeswax
1 cup water

#1. Melt the beeswax in the oil, in a double boiler.

#2. Add 1 cup water to food processor. (Note: I started out with everything in my 12 cup processor, then had to put the smaller bowl in because it wasn't whipping all of it.)

#3. SLOWLY add oil to the water.

It took at least 5 minutes, probably longer for the lotion to reach the consistency I wanted. At first I thought it wasn't going to work, but it did!

I added essential oils to my lotion. Lavender and Tea Tree. It's not necessary, but these are good for rashes, as well as burns.

Enjoy, I know we are!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I'll keep praying

"We were never intended to live our faith in isolation. God and girlfriends are not just fun. They are needed. In good times. In hard times. When we are living with purpose. When we falter."

I read this devotion today and it really spoke to me. The author talks about how we need these friendships. We need someone to share our faith with, and if we don't have a friend like that to pray for one.

This is exactly what I have been doing. Sure I have several friends whom I love, and talk with. Some on a daily basis. But none of them encourage my growth with the Lord.

I had honestly never thought of praying for a friend, until I read it in a book somewhere down the road. I just always felt that if we where meant to be friends, we would be.

Now I realize that maybe praying for that certain type of friend isn't desperate of me, but what God wants for me. I mean, there is really only so much a husband wants to listen too! I have an amazing husband, but I need that "other someone" too, and I know he wants that for me too, just as I do him.

I'll keep praying.

What about you? Have you prayed for God to send a friend your way?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Open that window and let these germs out!

Thursday of last week a nasty sickness invaded our house. It started with Taylor..then spread to Mackenzie, then I got it, and last but not least it spread to my fabulous husband.

What a joyful week and a half its been. Lots of runny noses, fevers, and this nasty cough that we just can't seem to shake.

Warren and I were supposed to attend our first day of our "Not a Fan" study today, but unfortunatly we had to miss it. That's ok, we'll get caught up!

We started a fire in both fireplaces, and we are all just resting...as much as you can rest with two 3 year olds that is.

We'll take what we can get. I'm just thankful for the family time, even if we are all sick and snotty nosed!