My 38 week check up wasn't until tomorrow, but with the blizzard we are expected to get here in Missouri, I thought it'd be best if I could try to squeeze in today, instead of getting out tomorrow. It all just sounded too dangerous to me!
Yesterday I had contractions from noon until I went to bed, around 10:30. They were about every 10 minutes apart. They never led to a baby so they were just Braxton Hicks. I felt so discouraged.
Warren asked me around 9 what was wrong, and the tears just started to flow. I was so frustrated, angry and tired. Everyday I have these contractions. Some people say they're painless, not the ones I experience. They hurt. I've had them everyday since 30 weeks. I'm sick of them! I really hoped they would lead to the real deal, but no, no baby yet.
I cannot believe how emotional I felt last night. I'm really unsure if its normal to experience the anger I felt last night, but normal or not, I couldn't help it.
This pregnancy has been completely different than my other two. Everything about it. I feel horrible for complaining at all. I know lots of women who would love the miracle of carrying a baby. I'm very thankful for the blessing, I'm just really ready to have my body back. Be me again. Not have to wake up at 2:30 and 5:30 every morning to pee. Sometimes its more than that, and I lose count.
I went in to my checkup and my blood pressure was a little high, so I had to lay down and be rechecked a few minutes later. It went down a little bit, but it was still higher than my usual. The Dr checked my progress, and I got some good news!
I'm dilated to a 2 and 75% effaced. It honestly made me feel better to know that these sucky false contractions actually made some real progress! I think I needed to have that sense of hope, that hey, she really isn't going to be in there forever. I know she couldn't ever actually be in there forever, but I'm sure any woman who's been pregnant can understand what I mean.
Light at the end of the tunnel! I know this baby will come when the Lord is ready for her too.
We still do not have a name for her. If you have any suggestions, throw them my way!
Currently we have Carly, Payton, Kelsey, I like several others, but my husband doesn't like them. We think we will give her my middle name, Danielle. At least that's the plan.
Any name suggestions?
Words of encouragement?
Scripture encouragement?
Thanks friends!
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A Joyful Mother
I saw your post at the Saturday Round Up on A Joyful Mother. Since I just love all things pregnancy and birth related (except the morning sickness!!) I thought I'd pop over and give you some encouragement. :-) Hang in there, put your feet up and just cherish these last few weeks. Read some positive birth stories (I'll link mine at the bottom!) and just try to rest. Your little one will be here before you know it!
Thanks Justyn!
DeleteThe pains you are going through right now will melt away when you hold your sweet baby in your hands!! I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes quickly and easily for you!
ReplyDeleteI hope you will have another update for us next week at the Saturday Round Up! Thanks for linking up :)
Congrats on being featured on the Saturday Round Up!! Hope you'll stop by again this weekend!