I really couldn't believe that someone is actually that judgmental.
We are mothers. We aren't perfect in any way shape or form. We ALL have bad days. I'm sure we all have had days where we go to bed thinking we are the worst mother in the world or where we want to cry right along with our child. I have. It's called life.
We are all growing and learning, trying to figure out which direction it is that the Lord is wanting us to go. Are we not allowed to talk about it, or vent about our trials that we are experiencing at the moment? If we do will it end up in a case of someone not wanting to be our friend?
What we should do is reach out to that person. We should try to encourage them. Build them up, because I can almost guarantee that they have already knocked themselves down so far that they don't need your judgement. They need to know that they're not alone in this thing called parenting. They need a friend.
It's hard being a mom. I would much rather have someone to talk to that is real and honest, than one who acts like they have everything put together. No one has parenting perfected. Why do you think there are so many parenting books on the market? Those parents have struggled too, and they want to share what they feel "worked" for them. They aren't ashamed or embarrassed to talk about their struggles. Why should we be? They wrote the books to try to help others through.
I do not have anything figured out. I get up everyday not knowing what may happen. I pray for a good day, patience, kindness, and most of all to love and enjoy my children. They are a blessing, even at the moments that I don't feel so blessed.
If God can give us mercy and grace, don't you think we should be able to bestow that upon others? Let's stop being so judgmental to other mothers. Let's reach out and be a support for them. Be that sounding block, that shoulder for them to lean on, and most importantly that friend that we all need.