I had a blog post typed up for you, and then life happened and the post changed direction. We are in the last five weeks of homeschool and can I just say how READY I AM for summer?!!! R.E.A.D.Y.
Sometimes life can just make you feel a little stretched and frazzled. Anybody else feel a little stretched thin sometimes? I spent my weekend filling up my tank, because it's been low. Way low. I'm refreshed and rejuvenated since I took some time to really invest in me and fill my soul.
The words Grace have meant so much to me lately that I decided to hang the letters on my wall where I can see it from every angle in my living room/kitchen area. They are a sweet reminder that on the hard days, the days where I may feel like my bad moments make a bad mama, I have this sweetness of Grace covering me.
I don't have to be perfect all the time and have everything together. I'm being humbled and learning that sometimes it's really okay to hit that roadblock and not know which direction I'm supposed to turn. I'm learning to be still and listen.
I just want to encourage you today that bad moments don't make bad mamas/wives/girlfriends/friends, etc. We all need to allow ourselves Grace, and the opportunity to grow. I don't know about you, but I haven't done much growing when I think I already know everything. I like to know that I'm not alone in the beautiful chaos of this life. That things don't have to be "perfect" all the time and we can still be happy!
I know some of you may not have children, but I'm sure you've still got a plate full with this crazy thing we call LIFE! When we reach that place where we say, "Whoa...what's happening here?" It's okay to step back and give yourself Grace and Be Still.
Have a wonderful week, friends. We have so much to be thankful for. Let us strive for less perfection and a lot more love and kindness. Give yourself the Grace you deserve and not feel guilty for not being "perfect", whatever that is.
Until Next time,