Thursday, June 28, 2012

Escaping.. my reality

Sometimes I just want to escape.

My own reality that is.

It's not that my reality is a bad thing. It's actually pretty amazing. I just like to not have to think for awhile. You know?

I like to escape in a good book. Mostly a fiction book, because well, as much as I love inspirational, encouraging books, I don't always want to read them. I feel like when I do, I have to think about myself to much! I need to change on that... blah blah blah. I cannot really need that much work, can I? Yes, I probably can!

I also like to check out other people's blogs. Get ideas, inspiration, stuff like that. I don't really have any that I have found are fabulous though, other than Mommypotamus.  I run across some that post once a month or so, and that's ok, because well, I have gone a long time without making one post!

I want to make this blog useful. It's called Ramblings Of A Redheaded Mama, but do people really care what my ramblings are?! If I wrote about everything that went through my head, I'd be asking for trouble. Haha!

I vent about my experiences as a mother. I could write a lot of those posts. ;) But I feel like it might be perceived as me complaining about my children, which isn't what I ever mean to do. I love those little munckins!

I'm certainly not a model for a godly woman, but I like to talk about my growth with the Lord.

So readers out there, what are some things you LIKE to read about? Give me love friends! Post anonymously if you'd like. ;)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Apple Chips

Apple Chips

We can sit down and eat a whole batch of these in one sitting...if I'd let us. They are just so good!

I use my Pampered Chef apple peeler/slicer/corer. This makes these apple chips so easy to make.

I dip the slices into lemon juice to help prevent them from turning brown as they're drying.

I place them in the dehydrator. Plug it in, and let it do all the work. :o)

You could sprinkle cinnamon, or sugar on top of them, but we like them plain.

You can use your oven for drying them if you don't have a dehydrator. Cook apple chips for about 1 1/2 hours at 250 degrees.

I just store my chips in a plastic bag. can use a bowl, or whatever you prefer. If they even last that long. :o

Homemade Deodorant

You make your own deodorant?

Yes, yes I do.

Why, you ask?

Why not?

Have you looked at the ingredients in your deodorant? Umm..gross. Aluminum is the active ingredient. Did you know aluminum is a toxic metal, that should not be in our bodies?  Not only is the aluminum toxic, but the deodorant is also loaded with parabens which are also extremely carcinogenic. Did you know that the ingredients found in deodorants are also the same that researchers have found in 99% of all breast cancer patients?

I can't speak for you, but that doesn't fly with me. I'm not going to knowingly slather carcinogenic junk on my body. So for those of you who don't know about this, please research it for yourself. Knowledge is power! We do not have to increase our chances of breast cancer.

I'm going to give you a recipe I have found from reading online. It has been adapted for my personal use.

This is going to be the hardest thing you have ever made before in your life. I'm just bracing you for what's next....

These are the ingredients that you need:

1/4 cup GMO free cornstarch or arrowroot powder
1/4 cup baking soda
3 Tablespoons coconut oil
essential oils, optional

Yep. That's it. Seriously the easiest thing you will probably ever make in your life!

Mix cornstarch or arrowroot powder to the baking soda, then add in the melted coconut oil. Stir thoroughly. Add in essential oils. I then add the mixture to an empty deodorant tube. You can keep it in a jar if you prefer. I stick it in the fridge to harden up, then it's done!

I'm going to be straight with you. I tried the recipe exactly as listed above. It worked amazingly, except I got an irritating rash from the baking soda. My mom on the other hand, didn't experience this. So I adapted the recipe for myself.

Instead of using 1/4 cup baking soda, I use less than 1/8 of a cup, then I add citric acid to fill the 1/4 cup. I then add 10 drops of tea tree oil, and 10 drops lavender. Tea tree is an anti-microbial so that helps with the smell. This is the only deodorant I have ever used in my entire life where I don't have the slightest bit of odor.

This isn't just a deodorant for women, men can use it too!

I love it, and I hope you do too!

Homemade No Bake Granola Bars

Who doesn't love a yummy granola bar? I don't know about you...but I love them! I adapted this recipe from The Marathon Mom. I never actually made her recipe as she has it written, but I'm sure they're delish that way too.

A downfall of buying granola bars from the store is they are processed and loaded with high fructose corn syrup, and preservatives. I'm not really interested in pumping that junk into my body or my children's, so this recipe is perfect. The time it takes me to make them is maybe 5-7 minutes (depending on how many extra hands I have helping!).

These are super easy to make, really. You'll be thinking, "Why didn't I do this sooner?!". These ingredients are always in stock in my kitchen, so making them is a breeze for me. If you don't have all of these ingredients on hand, don't stress, I'm sure you can sub something you do have for what you don't. This is a picture of the ingredients that I used (chocolate chips are not pictured):


1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup sugar, brown sugar, sucanat, turbinado (I used my organic evaporated cane juice)
2 cups oats
1 cup combined of unsweetened shredded coconut, flax seed, and oats
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1/4+cup chocolate chips(let's just say I've never measured ;) )

Combine oats, coconut, and flax in a  bowl.

I go ahead and add some chocolate chips to the mixture.

Combine coconut oil, sugar and honey in saucepan to melt. Stir constantly.

 When bubbly, about 2 or 3 minutes, remove and let cool for a minute or two. Then add vanilla.

Add wet mixture to oat mixture and stir thoroughly.

Then add mixture to a greased pan. You can use 8x8, but I've found that I like my 11x7 pan much better because the bars aren't as thick. Then add some chocolate chips to the top and press down the mixture firmly.  If you don't pack it down good, your bars won't be intact.

Put the bars into the freezer or fridge for a few minutes to harden up.

Then pull them out and place the pan upside down to get the bars onto a cutting board. Slice and enjoy!

Mmmm...mmmm...mmmm. They are addicting. I'm just warning you now. :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

New way of dealing..with my 3 year olds..

Yesterday was a little exhausting. This age 3, is very challenging someday's. I have one child who is quite mouthy. She can be pretty hateful sometimes, and boy is backtalking one of her specialties.

As Warren and I were talking to the girls as we were putting them to bed last night about their behavior, I decided, right then, I was going to start making a list throughout the day of their inappropriate behavior, and when Warren gets home he can discuss it with them.

I'm not passing on disciplining them myself, that will still happen, it just gets a little tiring feeling like I'm doing all of it.

I made two categories; PRAISE, and NOT SO HOT. I felt like if I was going to write down unkind behavior, and disobedience, I am also going to focus on praising them too. Doesn't everyone like praise?!

My hope for this is that they will learn to think about their actions and words before they do them. Will I write down every little thing? I doubt it. This is just a way to keep their daddy involved during the day, and a way for me to step back and really focus on what's going on throughout our day.

Was it my mood that had an effect? Was it really their actions that deserved said punishment? Was I too hard on them, was I not hard enough? And quite honestly, sometimes mama just doesn't have the same effect as daddy does.  I am with them 24/7. They do know how to push my buttons..

So far this morning all I have written down is in the praise category!

Have any of you ever tried this before? Did it work for you? I'd love to hear suggestions!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Am I The Only One?

Sometimes I wonder, am I the only one?

Am I the only one who has a hard time finding and keeping a good friend? Why is it so hard to find that "perfect" friend? Sure I have other friends too.

I have a great friend, but she lives in Ohio and before that Oregon. I miss her. She and I aren't on the same spiritual level, but that's ok, I still love her.

Why is it so hard for women to find a close friend? We all want one, regardless of what we may say! It's just the way God created us. We need that this type of friendship. We have our husbands as our #1 best friend, but I don't know about you, but my husband doesn't like it to well when I "talk about him" him. :)

We as women and mothers need these friends whom we can vent to, cry to, and encourage us. I'm not embarrassed to say that I want that, and I want to be that friend.

So my question is, am I the only one? Do others feel this way too, and just never talk about it? Maybe it's just me, and my personality. I'm unsure.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Do you journal?

I have been thinking of journaling. I have tried to do it in the past, but I don't keep up with it. I'm curious as to how other women journal or if they do.

Do you have a prayer journal? A thought journal? A detailed journal of your days? Do you have separate journals for each thing, or one for all? I'd love some of your feedback if you will!