I have had some things on my mind today, and I thought I'd just blog about it so I could get my thoughts in order.
Why is it that we as humans feel the need to compare ourselves to one another? Do we want to make ourselves feel like we aren't good enough? Or that we need to change things about ourselves so we can be more like "that person"?
Today after I had looked at a few blogs that I enjoy reading, I felt the need to apologize to my husband. Why? I told my husband, "I'm really sorry I'm not that good of a homemaker." You know what his reply to me was? "You need to stop looking at those stupid blogs, you're giving yourself a complex. You are perfect. I like you just the way you are."
So why did those nice things he said to me not change the way I felt? I guess because, I'm human. Because I don't feel that I'm perfect and should be better, and be more like all these other people who seem to have it all together. Key word there, SEEM. Maybe they do have it all together, I don't know.
I just know that my husband was right. Why should I allow someone else, and their life to make me feel inferior? I shouldn't, and neither should anyone else. I am not perfect, but my children and my husband love me just the way I am. They do not care if my desk has a thousand papers scattered across it, or if my kitchen cabinets are in perfect order or not. And they simply do not care if I have every minute of everyday scheduled out. Actually, I'm pretty sure they are thankful I don't have every minute assigned to something.
As I was contemplating about all of this earlier, I decided to read my devotional for the day. Much to my amazement the first line of my devotional "The Confident Woman" was; "Celebrate the fact that you are not like everyone else! You are special! You are unique!" How perfect this was for me to read! It was exactly what I needed to hear. She proceeds to say, "Our worth is not found in being different or the same as others, it is found in God."
I am so thankful that I read that today! Do I feel completely better about myself? Not entirely, but it sure is a good start! I just needed the reminder that even God doesn't want me to compare myself to others. I hope that anyone reading this that may feel the same way that I do, feels a little better now. I'm tired of making myself feel so low because I'm not like "that person". What's the point? God, my husband and children, love me just the way I am. So that in itself is all I need! :)
Amen! Nothing is ever as perfect as is it seems...especially when the internet is involved. ;)