Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Today I asked for help..

At 30 weeks of pregnancy, I caved and asked a friend to come help me clean. I can't ask for help for all the things I need right now, but I can ask for this.

I have really great days where I get a lot done, and then my feet start to swell so I must get off them and put them up.

I don't like asking for help, but I'm so exhausted, physically but more mentally, that I realized it is ok to ask for help. It doesn't make me weak..

Today was a busy day. I put away 12 loads of laundry. 12 loads. Totally crazy. The girls stayed pretty busy in their playroom, which was nice, but it was still a pretty typical day for them. It seems they have a hearing problem.

I think it's called being a 4 year old? Anyone ever heard of that?

It's not a lot of fun. It's why I'm so mentally drained at the end of the day. I know this is just a stage in our life, but its really really hard on my husband and I right now.

Oh how we need some help through this! I love my daughters oh so very much, but I don't love the disobedience and blatant ignoring that they do sometimes.

Getting them to get ready so we can leave in the mornings, and bathtime are the worst and hardest parts of the day. We have decided that they will start bathing separately, and there won't be any bath toys allowed. They like to play too much and completely ignore everything we this is our resolution. Hope it works!

Now if I could think of a way to get them to listen so we can get out the door easier....must come up with something before baby #3 gets here! I have no idea where to begin with this one.

My children are really great. They are very well behaved and very loving, they are just testing mommy and daddy. We just have to figure out how to deal with this appropriately. Our initial reaction is to get frustrated and angry which leads to one of us yelling, which is not what we want.

Today I asked for help...with the only thing I really can. I can have someone help me clean my house, but that's it. I can ask for advice or suggestions on the rest, but I know we are the only ones who can figure out how to make our family life run a little smoother. It sure doesn't make it any easier though!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Pregnancy Blues?

I try to be a source of encouragement. I try to be in a positive spirit.

Lately though, I have been the one in need of encouragement.

I haven't felt like myself. It feels like most days I have no drive, no ambition, no motivation. Someday's I have all of that. I get a lot accomplished, just to watch it all fall apart again. Why do I even bother? That seems to be where my mind leads me.

Everywhere I look there is something that needs to be done. Whether it's stuff to put away, toys to pick up, laundry to be done, kitchen to clean for the third or fourth time that day, you know how it is. I've been so discouraged.

My emotions have been under control pretty well though. I haven't really had anymore crying outbursts, thank God. But I have been aware that I'm just not myself. Maybe it's the lack of sleep due to the pregnancy induced carpal tunnel..

I have started to feel stressed out, and overwhelmed. I'm 26 weeks today, and I'm completely aware that the baby could come in 10 weeks, I pray not before then. My husband has been working really hard to get our basement finished so we can move the girls' playroom downstairs, and get the baby's room all set up. I'm thankful we kept the cribs, dresser, and swings from the girls, but we have had to start over from the beginning. I haven't acquired much yet. I've bought some clothes for her, from a girl that was getting rid of her baby clothes, but other than that, we still have a lot to get.

I know babies don't need a whole lot in the beginning, but she needs more than what we have for her. I think with all these thoughts of what I still need to do and get, and the demands of two four year olds, is really stressing me out. I am not a wait till the last minute type of girl. That will send me over the edge.

At this point, there are no plans of a baby shower, so I'm trying to get what I can, when we can. I know these are all normal things, and I'm not the only person to ever feel this way, so I'm not trying to have a pity party, I just needed to talk about it.

I talked with a friend the other night about how down I have felt lately. I didn't know if this was normal or not to feel so down. With my first two pregnancies I didn't have these feelings. I feel so bad for feeling the way that I do.

She reassured me that it's completely normal, I am not a nut job. Haha! I am a mom who is adjusting to the fact of having a third child. She also told me that when her life gets messy, it's when she has been trying to go at it alone. She hasn't been letting God take the lead. How true that is. I have had that realization too. I have noticed that when I don't make time for God, things are so out of control.

Yesterday God led me to two different posts by a godly woman of 8 boys. It was so helpful for me. He always gives us what we need, when we need it. I know that He will provide everything we need for this little nameless baby girl too. I just have to give it all over to Him.

Thank you Jesus for your grace and love. And thank you nameless friend for your encouragement.

Dear readers, if you would be so kind, could you say a prayer for me though? I would greatly appreciate it. With God's help, I will feel like "me" again, soon. :)

Here are the great posts written by Brandy.

Dear Overwhelmed Mother of Little Ones
What Moms Need: Week 1 – GOD

This makes me smile though

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Happy six months!

Happy six months baby girl. Today marks 24 weeks.

I just wanted to share an update with my lovely readers.

What a great 6 months it has been! This little girl has been kicking so much lately, it's truly an unbelievable experience. I'm so thankful for another opportunity to experience this all again, complications free.

This has been my easiest pregnancy so far. 1 out of 3 isn't too bad...right? I just keep praying it stays this way. I thank God everyday for this blessing and even more prayers of thanks for the blessing of no complications! God is good!!

I'm not saying it's been a bed of roses, but compared to my others it has been. There are a few downfalls though...

~My husband told me he thought I'd gained about 40lbs, when I told him I had only gained 10....must.not.choke.him. ;) It's ok, I love him anyways!

~In case you have missed this one...the pregnancy hormones. Oh my goodness. I do really, really, really well 95% of the time, but then they hit, and it seems as if I've stepped outside my own body and I'm looking in. I seriously cannot help it. The smallest thing will send me into tears.

The experience seems to last for a few days and then I'm fine.Then I look back on it, and I feel embarrassed at how the silliest and smallest things would make me cry. Maybe it's better to be upset about nothing, then upset about something that matters? I'm just thankful my husband has realized, it's much easier to be supportive and encouraging than try to get upset with a hormonal  pregnant woman. Gosh, I love him! ;)

~The worst one so far is the pregnancy induced carpal tunnel. I have to wear braces at night, just so I can get a little sleep.  I KNOW that I could have it worse, because I have, so I try not to complain too much. It just kind of stinks because it hurts. But our baby girl is worth it.

I'm starting to get a little excited about this baby. Not that I haven't been excited, I'm just letting myself really feel it now. I guess you can say I try to guard my heart. May seem silly to you, but I really can't help it. Loss is never easy to experience.

~I have such a hard time standing at the sink to wash dishes now! I'm hoping the end result will be that my hubby will start washing them?? Hmmm...I can wish, right?! Maybe he will...

I do not feel guilty that I serve lunch whenever possible on paper plates. Sorry for all my green readers out there..

Someday's I have great motivation and others, I don't have ambition to do anything, other than the necessary to get through the day with everyone all in one piece, and the house not be a complete and total disaster.

Hey, it's just a season of life right now. It will change and get better! I'm just thankful that the hormonal days where even listening to K-LOVE puts me in tears, are just every so often. Maybe every couple weeks. That's not too bad, right? I'm really trying to sound positive here, and hope I'm not a total nut! HAHA!


My husband thanks me.

Friday, November 9, 2012

What Has Happened To Me?

Since we moved a year ago, I'm not quite sure what has happened to me.

My house seems like it's in a constant state of shock. I feel like everywhere I look there is a mess to clean up, stuff to put away, clutter here and there, and everywhere. And did I mention the construction zone? Yeah, we have one of those.

I used to have it more together than this. I have gotten away from meal planning, trying new recipes, all the things I used to do. Why?! I have no idea!!

Being almost 6 months pregnant isn't helping my situation any either. I like to do a quick clean up AFTER the girls are in bed, but now, after they go to bed I just want to put my feet up and relax.

It's not just being a good homemaker that I've been struggling with, it's taking the time to spend with God. I really do feel that every aspect of my life is messy and in need of a makeover. From time with the Lord, right down to my laundry room.

I'm sure I will pull myself out of this rut that I'm in. I have tried really hard this last year to not compare myself with other people, and I've pretty much stopped reading certain blogs that I was. I found myself putting myself down because I felt I didn't compare. You know what though? I'm sure they don't have it as together as it seems. I like to keep it real...

This was my living room today as I was sorting baby clothes I had just got and my girls were having a hayday!

Please share with me what you do to keep your daily duties in order. Do you have a daily schedule you follow? A daily or weekly to do list. Do you get up hours before your children to keep up with everything? Do you meal plan? Follow a budget?

Please leave a comment below! 

Monday, November 5, 2012

My Recipe Binder

I thought I'd share how I organize my recipes. Since I generally print recipes from websites that I enjoy, I needed a place to store all of them in an easy to find way.

I started with a 1 1/2 inch binder, but that became way to small. I now have a 3 inch and it's pretty full, but still working for me.

I start by categorizing all my recipes. Beef, Chicken, Soup, Snacks, Sides, etc.

Then I place them in sheet protectors, using both sides to maximize my space.

This system works great for me. I can easily flip to whatever section it is I need. I keep my binder by my recipe holder by my stove. The page protectors keep the actual recipe page nice and clean.

This is what I have found to work great for me right now. How do you store your recipes? I'd love to know!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Let's Stop Being Judgmental

The other day I read a status on Facebook. One of the commenters replied that if someone complains about their kids, she doesn't even want to be their friend. Really?! I haven't been able to get it out of my mind.

I really couldn't believe that someone is actually that judgmental.

We are mothers. We aren't perfect in any way shape or form. We ALL have bad days. I'm sure we all have had days where we go to bed thinking we are the worst mother in the world or where we want to cry right along with our child. I have. It's called life.

We are all growing and learning, trying to figure out which direction it is that the Lord is wanting us to go. Are we not allowed to talk about it, or vent about our trials that we are experiencing at the moment? If we do will it end up in a case of someone not wanting to be our friend?

What we should do is reach out to that person. We should try to encourage them. Build them up, because I can almost guarantee that they have already knocked themselves down so far that they don't need your judgement. They need to know that they're not alone in this thing called parenting. They need a friend.

It's hard being a mom. I would much rather have someone to talk to that is real and honest, than one who acts like they have everything put together. No one has parenting perfected. Why do you think there are so many parenting books on the market? Those parents have struggled too, and they want to share what they feel "worked" for them. They aren't ashamed or embarrassed to talk about their struggles. Why should we be? They wrote the books to try to help others through.

I do not have anything figured out. I get up everyday not knowing what may happen. I pray for a good day, patience, kindness, and most of all to love and enjoy my children. They are a blessing, even at the moments that I don't feel so blessed.

If God can give us mercy and grace, don't you think we should be able to bestow that upon others? Let's stop being so judgmental to other mothers. Let's reach out and be a support for them. Be that sounding block, that shoulder for them to lean on, and most importantly that friend that we all need.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Needing Some Fellow Mama Encouragement

I'm going to be honest. I haven't felt like myself these last few days. I'm not sure if its the pregnancy or what exactly. I have lots of reasons to be happy, so why am I so irritable?

I have ups and downs all day. Everything is great, then there is bickering. Oh the bickering. And let's not forget repeating myself 16.724 times. Then my very involved 4 year olds want to help me do everything in the kitchen. This would be so wonderful if there wasn't the bickering, and the arguing over who gets to do what and when. And what really sends me over the edge is how one daughter in particular likes to move me out of the way-while I'm mixing or cooking something- because she can't see.

What is wrong with me? I normally find joy in them 97.8% of the time. It's not that I haven't the last few days, it just feels that my irritation has taken over. Sometimes I just want to sit down, alone. You know without having two kids crawl and argue over who gets to sit on which side of my pregnant self.

I know it must sound like all they do is bicker, and I'm sure that my emotional self is blowing it out of proportion. I know its my mood and attitude that's the problem, not them. They're children afterall.

I'm thankful for the Lord's mercy and grace, without it, I'd for sure feel like a failure all the time.

My poor kids. They always get the raw end of the deal. They're good kids, they really are. Like I said before, I know its just me, because they haven't been the only ones that have sent me deep breathing!

Someone please tell me I'm not alone. I've got to get out of this funk. I don't like it one bit. I feel horrible! I don't remember feeling this way when pregnant with the girls...but I also didn't have any other children..

Please forgive me for my complaining ramble. If you have any encouragement, could you please leave it in the comments? If nothing else, could you just say a prayer for me? This has had me so emotional.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Why we have chosen to homeschool

I always get asked, "are your girls in preschool yet?" I reply, "well..not exactly yet. We are going to homeschool." The response I always get is, "oh. I couldn't do that."

I never thought I would do such a thing either, but when the girls were about two months old, the Lord told me that's what I would be doing, and it's still the plan 4 years later.

Why, you ask?

The following is just me sharing my feelings. It is in no way to be judgemental, or to make anyone feel like the choices they have made are wrong. These are just simply our choices and I have chosen to share them with with you.

After the girls were born, my husband and I had a some personal marriage issues. The Lord really pressed it upon my heart that the direction he wanted us to go was to homeschool the girls. I have to admit, the thought is a bit terrifying, but I know that if this is what the Lord wants me to do, He will see me through.

Once I felt the Lord tell me this, I started reading more in my Bible. Yes, yes this is truly what He wants for my children!

Deuteronomy 6

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[a] Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

Deuteronomy 7

for they will turn your children away from following me to serve other gods, and the Lord’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you.

Proverbs 22

Train[a] a child in the way he should go,
    and when he is old he will not turn from it.

These are just a few scriptures that speak to me. How can I follow these instructions if I'm sending my children away from me? They would be spending more time with a perfect stranger, and very influential children, than they would with me. I just wasn't happy with this thought. 

These are my perfectly innocent children. I cannot send them to a place where I have no control over what they are taught, what they are exposed to, what other children are teaching them. They are very impressionable, and it's my job to make sure they are learning what God wants them to learn. 

Today in schools, God is not allowed. Sex is talked about on the playground in the first grade. What? Sex? First grade? Yes people, it is! I didn't even know what sex was at that age. Some of you may be thinking, "you can't keep your children in a bubble, or away from the 'real world'."  You are correct, and I can't do that, but what I can do, is do my best to protect them from what I'm able to. I want to preserve their innocence for as long as possible.

I want my children to learn about their Creator, their Savior. I want to train them in the way they should go. I want to make sure I impress upon them the morals and values that God wants them to have. Not ones that they learn from other children, or their teachers. Deuteronomy 7 for they will turn your children away from following me to serve other gods, and the Lord’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you. This could not be more true. 

These children are a gift to my husband and I. My husband is more than supportive of our plans to homeschool. I'm sure many people don't agree with our plans, and that's ok. We don't have to agree. I'm not here to judge anyone on their choices, and I hope no one judges us on ours. This is what we feel we are called to do. 

These are a few comments from a blog I like to read, about why these parents have chosen to homeschool, I couldn't have said it much better myself: 

“To protect their minds from wrong teaching until they are strong enough in their faith to counter it!”

“I could probably write a book with all my reasons! But the biggest is for my kids’ protection (spiritual, emotional and physical). Kids these days are exposed to things children are not prepared to handle, and forced to make choices children should never have to make. Innocence is so no longer valued in our society, so in order to preserve it as parents, the best thing we can do is to shelter and nurture them until they are prepared to handle the “real world.”

“#1 reason so that my son has a place that has no restrictions on being taught about Jesus and to protect his mind spiritually, emotionally. To embrace every single moment of his journey. Having no restrictions on anything he wants to study. Most of all-embracing the lessons that the Lord is using my child to teach me ♥”

I do not have the patience of Job. I certainly am not the prime candidate to homeschool, I am not a teacher, but you know what? I'm certainly up for the challenge, because I have come to realize that it's not about me, it's about my children. They are the most important thing, and I want to do everything  I can to give them the best life possible.

Has the Lord led any of you to homeschool? Please share your thoughts with me! 

For further reading:

Public School is Not a Child’s Ministry
Reasons Why We Homeschool

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

24 hours of alone time...coming up!

Last Friday I called my mother in law asking if she could keep the girls on Thursday and for the majority of the day Friday. She said absolutely. I told her I wanted a full 24 hours alone.

Can I just say, I'm SO excited!!

I have a bunch of stuff I'd like to do, and absolutely none of it involves cleaning, laundry, picking up after children, preparing a meal at a certain know the everyday life of a stay at home mom.

Nope, it will look more like this...sewing project, or at least attempt! Possibly make candles, watch a movie, scrapbook, read a book, crochet....whatever my heart desires!

I think I'll bake myself a yummy snack ahead of time, maybe put some food in the crockpot for dinner. 
I absolutely love and adore my children and husband. They are the reason I do everything I do....but I am so thrilled for this time alone. I will be with me, myself, and I. How great is that?

I'm sure I will miss them all. I always do. But some 'me' time is always appreciated. It gives me a chance to regroup, and they love the time spent with their grandparents, all of them.

Do any of you have any fun suggestions for me to do at home? I don't have intentions of leaving the house until its time to pick up my munchkins! I wish Starbucks delivered. I may just have to learn how to make my own yummy drinks. My husband is VERY thankful there isn't a Starbucks in our town. Yikes!

Lay your ideas on me friends! What fun things do you do?

Here are a few fun pics from the last week...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Parenting Lesson Learned

Today, the moment when I am most repelled by a child’s behavior, that is my sign to draw the very closest to that child.

It's so funny how the Lord gives us just what we need, when we need it. I read this yesterday while I was waiting for my mom to bring the girls home from staying the night at her house. They're always so tired when they stay with someone else.

They started playing as soon as they got home. After about 20 minutes or so Mackenzie began to get very angry and upset with Taylor. She didn't like how she was playing, or whatever she was doing. Mackenzie wanted to be in control.

I gave her a few warnings. I told her she wasn't using a kind voice, and that she was being mean. She needed to play nice.

Next thing I knew she was grabbing her sister in her arms through clenched teeth, being very mean. I snatched her up and we headed for her room for a little time out, so she could cool off.

She was screaming, kicking her legs, yelling I don't want to sit on my bed, all with her arms wrapped around my neck.

Usually this kind of behavior would get her a spanking, but this wasn't normal behavior for her.

This kept popping into my mind: Today, the moment when I am most repelled by a child’s behavior, that is my sign to draw the very closest to that child.

I cradled her like I always do when she's hurt or upset. She was crying. She was clearly distressed, and tired.

We sat there while I held her and we talked. She finally calmed down. We laid on her bed and we talked some more. We talked about her behavior, and then we just talked about nothing. I held her in my arms, just letting her know that I loved her.

Her sister came back with a book of stickers all ready to play and share. Mackenzie got up, happy as can be. She was perfectly fine the rest of the day. Not one more episode.

I was so thankful I didn't lose my patience with her. I kept my temper under control, which isn't exactly easy to do with a screaming and kicking child.

I was so thankful that the Lord led me to that sentence. Today, the moment when I am most repelled by a child’s behavior, that is my sign to draw the very closest to that child.

I'm not embarrassed or ashamed to say that I really have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just a mom of two 4 year olds who is trying to instill good behavior in her kids, who does get angry more often that I'd like. I'm not perfect. I just want to raise my children to love the Lord, and be kind to others.

After the situation with Mackenzie I was very grateful to the Lord for the parenting lesson. Afterall, children learn by example. What example do I want to leave them with? It's ok to have an emotional breakdown, and children do have them as well. A little attention and love can fix almost anything.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A moment of thankfulness

The girls and I woke up yesterday not feeling too hot. Sneezing and snotty noses have been our high points.

Today, although I didn't feel well at all, I had to do something with the 40lbs of apples that have been sitting on my kitchen floor. I had asked my mother in law if she could come help me make them into applesauce. Bless her heart she obliged.

After the applesauce was finished, I decided to lay down and rest. I was so wiped out. She kept the girls occupied for awhile which was heavenly.

As I was resting, I spent some time praying. I had been thinking I have been feeling this little baby move, but I'm just 100% sure. It's been so long since I've been pregnant, and I knew when the girls were moving right away (benefit of two at once I guess), but this has been a different feeling. It's so intense. I had prayed that when this little baby moved, the Lord would make it completely obvious to me.

With having lost Trenton at 17 weeks, I have tried to stay so positive about this pregnancy, but I think we as women always worry, until we see that precious face.

I was laying in bed tonight talking with my husband. He had asked if it was just allergies bothering me, or a cold. I have just recently gotten over a cold. I was telling him how I felt, and I was fighting back tears at the same time. I just don't feel at all like my "normal" self.

Almost instantly, after we grew silent, the Lord answered my prayer. I felt this little baby kick for the first time. It was so amazing. It was the lightest kick. If I wouldn't have been paying attention I wouldn't have felt it.

I shed some tears and thanked the Lord for giving me that blessing. He always gives us just what we need. Sometimes we forget though.

Lately I haven't been spending a whole lot of time with Him, but yet He answered my prayer, because He loves me.

I'm so thankful for his mercy and grace. Without it I would surely feel like a failure, more than I already do.

Thank you Jesus for this beautiful blessing.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Why does time go so quickly?

4 years ago, I was trying really really hard not to have my babies arrive to early. They weren't due until November 9th, and I was on bedrest trying to prolong the inevitable..

I've done ok with the previous 3 birthdays, but for some reason, this #4 is creeping up on me and I'm feeling really sad. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones, or maybe it's not. I can't blame everything on the hormones, can I?!

The days don't seem to fly by so quickly when you aren't thinking about them, but looking back at the last four years, it seems they have flown by. I wish I would have enjoyed them more. Enjoyed everyday more than I did. Instead of being so excited for the next milestone, I wish I would have savored the moment.

Since becoming a mother, I really understand why my mom and grandma always said I needed to stop growing up so fast! I remember hearing, "I'm going to put books on your head so you can't grow anymore!" Or this line my grandma always said, "I want to lock you in a closet so you can stay this size forever."

I feel the exact way about my girls. This age 3 has been the hardest of all, but it has been my favorite. They are very independent, but they still want their mama, all the time. They are the sweetest little girls I've ever met.

I love how they love so genuinely. They truly love everyone, and I'm grateful for that.

I never knew how hard being a mother was. To be a good mom, requires a lot of sacrifice and selflessness. I mean come on, your days of going to the bathroom alone are ancient history. We can't even do that in peace. I'd say someday's we are sacrificing our sanity.

With all that said, I wouldn't change a thing. I absolutely love being a mom, even on the hard days. If it weren't for the hard days, I'm not sure I would strive to be a better mom. Why would I need too if everything was always perfect?

These have been the best 4 years of my life! If they could stay 4 forever, I really think I would be ok with that.

In less than 3 weeks we will be celebrating their birthday. It will be so much fun just watching them!
I have to get busy deciding how I will make their cake. I want it to be delicious and cute. They've picked their birthday outfit out already and we bought invitations yesterday. They picked out some super cute ones. ;)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Toy Overload. Are We The Only Ones?

As I was sitting on the couch chatting with my husband while he was in the kitchen, he turns from me, and all I hear is, "Ow!" as I see arms straight up in the air as he goes eyes were huge..

Once I didn't hear a huge thud and his face reappeared, I busted out laughing. "What happened?!" "I stepped on one of the girls' play earrings" he said.

My favorite story however is when the girls were about two. I had just bought the girls this little red wagon from a friends garage sale. At this time they were still in their cribs...

I walked into their room, without flipping the light switch on. I instantly went sailing across the hardwood in that little red wagon. Arms flailing, trying to stop myself, catch my balance, hoping to not break a bone. I sailed straight into a crib.

Here I was sitting on the floor with the little red wagon, heart racing, replaying what had just happened in my mind. I'm sure it would have been a real sight for someone to witness. All I could do was try to get up off the floor!

Let's just say I wanted so badly to throw that wagon in the trash! I was so sore the next day from my little excursion I went on. I made a mental note: always look before you enter a room!

We still have that little red wagon. As much as I wanted to toss it out in that moment of embarrassment, I did not.

Anyways, back to matter at hand.

My children have WAAAAAAYY to much stuff! I'm really unsure of what to do about this. Right now they have a whole bedroom dedicated to their toys and books. These lucky little girls will be losing that playroom when we start making room for the new baby.

We want to finish our basement so we can have a family/playroom down there, but that may not be feasible. We have 6 months.

The girls also have their 4th birthday party next month, and I'm sure they will get more fun stuff to play with. But how much stuff do 4 year olds need? I'm mean really, they don't NEED all this stuff.

Do they play with it all, some point. I absolutely love buying for them, but I do not however buy them stuff every time we go to Walmart or Target. What they do have is from birthdays and Christmas. There is two of them afterall! It adds up fast.

I would love to hear what others do to contain the toys. Do you only allow a certain amount of toys at a time? Do you keep toys put away and alternate every so often? Do you donate or sell toys that aren't being used, or do you store them for another child?

I am just really tired of all the "stuff". We all have "stuff", but I don't want to spend my days organizing and keeping everything in proper order. I love for things to be in their place and neat and tidy, but that's not a reality everyday.

Maybe we need to do a purge! It's just kind of hard. We think, "we may need this!" In 4 years, but we MAY need it. Haha!

Come on friends, tell me how you handle toy/stuff overload!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Heartfelt Back Story...Part Two

I have put off part two of this post because I wasn't sure I wanted to share all of it with you. It's very personal, and I didn't know if I could share it. I didn't want it to seem as though I'm airing dirty laundry, but I have felt the Lord leading me to share it, because if it can help just one person, than it will be worth it.

I recently posted part one of this series. If you haven't read it, you may want to start there.

I left you with "less than two months later, I was pregnant...with twins."

I had taken a test and learned I was pregnant, again. I had some blood work done to confirm it. We were really surprised it had happened so quickly. I hadn't ever had a cycle since giving birth, so the pregnancy was pretty unexpected, but we were still excited...and nervous!

A few days later I had started to have some spotting. I was so afraid. I remember feeling so terrified that this pregnancy would end just as soon as it had happened. My husband and mom where there to comfort me and I had called the doctor to ask questions. He told me to call the office in the morning and come in. (I know now that this was just implanation bleeding, but from what I had just been through, I had no idea.)

First thing the next morning, I was in their office and they did an ultrasound. The sonographer couldn't see a sac yet, because it was just too early. So they had me come back a few days later.

There I was laying on the table as the sonographer was doing a transvaginal ultrasound, and I heard her say three words that would forever change my life...

"I see two."

I sat straight up, "WHAT?!?!" She said, "Yes, there are two. You're having twins!" I was stunned. How in the world am I pregnant with twins? I had so many emotions running through me at that moment. I was scared to death. I knew a couple women who had just recently lost their twins, and having experienced what I just had, all I could do was pray. I prayed God would not take these babies to Heaven. I wanted them so desperately.

I left the office and immediately called my husband as I was waiting for the elevator. He answered. I said, "We are having twins." It was silent on the other end. I believe his exact words to me when he finally spoke were, "umm..ok." He was more in shock than I was! He later told me he was on a ladder when I shared the news. He likes to say he almost fell off...but that may just be for added dramatic effect! HA!

I shared the news with family and friends. Everyone was very excited!

I was scheduled for another ultrasound though, for a few days later, because I was only about 5 weeks when we found out it was twins, and they wanted to check on the babies and be able to see their heartbeats. So I returned and got to see both little hearts beating away on the monitor. It was so amazing to see.

About a week or so later, I started bleeding though. It wasn't a little spotting like before.  This was heavy bleeding, passing blood clots and all. We thought for sure this was the end. I can't even explain what we were feeling at that time. It landed me in the ER. They ran blood tests, which all came back fine. They scheduled me for an ultrasound the next morning. That wait felt like eternity.

The ultrasound reveled everything was fine. The babies were fine, I was fine, everything was fine, but the bleeding continued. I had several more ultrasounds over the next couple months, and all revealed the babies were fine. They had no idea where all this blood was coming from. I was thankful the babies were fine, and I was ok, but that didn't make the situation any easier.

All we could do was pray that God would take care of me and the babies, and the bleeding would stop.

Finally it did. I think it was between 16 & 20 weeks the bleeding stopped.  We learned the sex of the babies. It was music to my ears. They were both girls! I had always wanted a daughter. I had been so afraid we would never have a girl. My husbands father had 4 boys, and his parents had 3 boys. I had told him before we ever had children, that if we didn't have a daughter, we were adopting. God surly knew the desires of my heart!

Between 20 & 24 weeks they discovered my cervix was shortening. I was put on bedrest temporarily, until they could rescan me, and make sure all was well. Everything turned out to be just fine with that.

I continued to work my 40 hours a week during my entire pregnancy. I worked at my dad's grocery store. I would stock shelves, open the store at 6am, run the cash register. I was on my feet all day, which was not easy for a 5ft 1in woman with the belly a size of a, which felt like a, yoga ball!

We had planned the baby shower about 3 months before my due date. I knew I needed to have everything in order much sooner than most. I knew the girls would come early, I just wasn't sure how early.

My husband and mom, painted the most beautiful nursery for me. It looked just like I had hoped. It was incredible.

The beginning of September, I had told my dad that I just couldn't work anymore.  I was not physically capable of doing it. My feet had began to swell up, my body hurt, the pressure I felt from the girls was just too intense. I just couldn't do it anymore.

That was on a Saturday, my next appointment was on Monday, I was 31 weeks. It started with a NST. During that test it was discovered that I was having contractions. The doctor proceeded to check my cervix, which was dilated. I was then sent to labor and delivery for observation. I was eventually sent home on bedrest.

Bedrest?!?! How would I ever do that?! I will just say that bedrest is by far the most boring time you will ever have in your life, if you have to endure it. I did however teach myself how to knit, read a few books, slept a lot, and realized that a person can only watch so much tv before that too, is boring.

I spent most of my bedrest time, alone. Day and night. Alone. My husband was trying to finish up his classes for his journeyman carpenters status. He would go after work to try to get it all done.

About a week and half on bedrest, my whole life changed. My husband shared some news with me that I never in a million years thought I would hear.

He told me that he didn't want to be with me anymore.

I was devastated. I didn't believe a word of it. I wasn't going to believe it. I knew how much he loved me, how much he had always loved me. I knew this was not true. I was hurt.

But it was true. He really did feel this way. He kept telling me that he didn't want to be with me anymore. I still didn't believe that what he was telling me to be true. I felt like there was something else going on. I began to pray for him, as well as myself. I prayed that God would wrap his arms around my husband, and show him
His love.

I was in and out of the hospital. On Friday September 26th, I was put back in the hospital. This time because my blood pressure was so high. I was developing pre-eclampsia. The doctors were very afraid I was going to go into labor. They gave me a steroid shot to help the girls' lungs develop faster. I had been on medication to help my contractions stop, but it wasn't helping too much. They kept me through Saturday night, and I kept begging to go home. I just wanted to go home. Nothing was changing. I wasn't progressing anymore. So they let me go home.

That night I had told my husband that if he didn't want to be apart of our family, then he needed to leave. It was too hard for me to try to keep these babies in and be under the amount of stress that I was. I didn't want him to really leave, but it was too hard to look at the man I loved, and have him tell me the things that he did.

The next morning he had left to go shopping for a dresser/changing table for the girls' room. It was the only thing left that we hadn't be able to find what we wanted.

A few hours later I made myself some lunch, sat down to eat it and my water broke! It was the scariest thing I had ever experienced! I was so freaked out. I was alone, and I didn't know how fast these girls would come. I called my mom, who luckily wasn't very far away. I quickly threw stuff in a bag. I was not prepared!

She had called everyone for me letting them know we were on our way to the hospital. I was so overwhelmed with emotions. It was too early for the girls to come. Would they be healthy? Would everything be ok? I didn't know what to expect. I prayed for their health and safety.

I got to the hospital, and got settled in a room. It was 1pm. I labored for 8 hours and gave in and got an epidural. I kept progressing well, but I eventually was stuck at 8cm. I was stuck there for hours, probably about 6 hours.

I had told the doctor I was not having a c-section unless it was just absolutely necessary and the babies were in danger. There was no reason I couldn't have these babies naturally! Since I wasn't progressing anymore, the doctor decided to give me pitocin. In about 30 minutes, I was fully dilated, and ready to go.

They wheeled me in the OR. When you are having more than one child, you have to deliver in there just in case of an emergency c-section. I had no idea what to expect. The table in there is MUCH smaller than the normal delivery bed. It was awful.

I also had no idea just how many people would be in there during the delivery. There were countless nurses, the pediatrician, the delivering doctor of course, my husband, my mom, and there were people outside the OR looking in through the window! Talk about forgetting modesty. Umm...hello audience!

Mackenzie was the easy delivery. She was born at 11:53am, 4lbs 8oz. I was so relieved when she was born. She was perfect in every way. I was so overcome with emotions, all I could do was cry. Here was my precious baby that God has given me. My heart ached for her for so long and here she was. I was so grateful.

Back to reality. I had one more baby to have...

Miss Taylor Nicole was very comfortable in her spot. She was not ready to budge. The doctor broke her water, and he had me start pushing to get her down. This baby did not want to enter this world. After almost two hours of pushing, my doctor decided he was going to have to help her come out. I do not know what the medical name is, but he used some kind of a suction on her head to help her out. He told me I had 3 pushes to get her out, and that was all.

By the grace of God, she finally came out! She was much bigger than Mackenzie. 5lbs 14oz. She should have been first, but that's just not how it happened! She too was perfect. I got to hold her before they moved me back to my room. I wasn't able to hold Mackenzie until the next day.

My two beautiful babies were here! They were healthy, but still too premature. They had to go to the NICU. They were in the hospital for 16 days, and in those 16 days, I got to stay with them. The hospital allowed me to stay in a room, for free, as long as the bed was available. It was truly a miracle. At that point in my life, I couldn't leave them.

In those 16 days, my marriage didn't get any better. I continued to pray for my marriage, for me, and for my husband. I prayed for strength, courage, wisdom. And the Lord never failed me.

The girls and I finally came home and it was truly amazing. It had seemed like eternity waiting for that day. I couldn't have been more thankful for them.

Over the next couple months, things between my husband and I didn't get any better. It was so hard to not be able to do anything about it. The only thing I could do was pray. Pray that the devil would leave my husband alone. Pray that he would snap out of this. Pray that God would show him His love and what He wanted for him.

The only way I made it through any of this turmoil was because of God. He gave me the strength I needed, and He never left me. I knew that my husband loved me. There was never a doubt in my mind about that, no matter how many times he told me he didn't. I knew it was a lie.

After much prayer, and many many conversations, I had told my husband that he needed Jesus, and after that, he changed. He has always loved God, but it was that the enemy had worked his way in, and he had overtaken everything. You don't just wake up one day and think, "oh, I don't love my spouse anymore." Love doesn't just disappear overnight. If we let the enemy in, he will continue to take over.

I wasn't going to just stand by and let my marriage fall apart. It wasn't what I wanted, and I knew deep down it wasn't what my husband wanted either. God is miraculous. Nothing is impossible when we have Him.

My husband came home, and we began to heal our relationship.  I'm not saying everything was forgotten immediately, because that would be a lie. He apologized to me, a million times, he begged for my forgiveness, he was truly sorry that He hurt me.

With the help of God, I forgave him. We moved past that point in our lives. But it is still apart of us. We can't ignore that it happened. It forever changed us, as a couple, and as individuals. A lot of changes happened after that time in our lives. We are not the same people. We have learned so many things from our experience. We have learned that nothing is impossible with God.

We are all able to forgive. Forgiveness isn't about the other person, it's not for them, it's for you. Without forgiveness, we have bitterness. Bitterness is like cancer to the soul. It will eat at you forever. It is torture.

Today my husband and I are expecting another baby. I was always afraid of having another because I didn't have good experiences with my first two pregnancies. I didn't know if I wanted to put myself in the position to experience any of this pain again. But I know with God I can endure anything!

I cannot say that I'm thankful for any of these experiences in my life, but I cannot say that I would go back and change any of them. They have defined us. This has all made our marriage and faith profoundly stronger. I love my husband more today, than I ever have, and I know he feels the same about me.

We are excited about this new baby, but I am still super nervous. I have another ultrasound scheduled for August 27th. I'll be 12 weeks 4 days then. If the baby is perfect, I will be so relieved. I'm waiting for that day until I let myself get really excited, and then I'll start preparing.

I think everything will turn out perfectly, but I'm not in control, so I really have no idea. All I can do is trust in the Lord, that everything will be fine according to his plan!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Heartfelt Back Story...Part One

I've taken a little hiatus from blogging lately. I haven't truly had a whole lot to say outside of my new pregnancy, and I just hadn't been too ready to talk about it.

Today I'm 10 weeks pregnant, and thank the Lord, it's just one baby this time! I absolutely love my girls, but being pregnant with twins was by far the hardest thing I've ever physically experienced, and I really didn't want to go through it again.

I'm going to share my back story with you, about my pregnancies, and why the thought of going through another pregnancy still terrifies me.

In September 2007, after a few months of trying, I was finally pregnant! We were scared, but so excited. Being parents for the first time is the most special feeling in the world. I had my first prenatal appointment, and they decided to do an ultrasound to see just how far along I was. From the first ultrasound I just didn't think everything was right. I thought I was further along than what I was. I tried to put those thoughts to the back of my mind though, and focus on the awesome news of being pregnant!

My second appointment was at 12 weeks, my mom went with me. The nurse tried to find the babies heartbeat on the doppler, but she didn't have any luck. So the doctor sent me in for an ultrasound so we could see where this little baby was hiding. The sonographer did a regular ultrasound, then asked me to go take my pants off for a transvaginal view. She was very quiet while she look which made me uneasy.

 She then took pictures and said she needed to go talk to the doctor. I knew at that moment something was truly wrong. My mom, being a good mother, tried to reassure me that everything was just fine. A few minutes later the doctor came in and told me the baby had a Cystic Hygroma, and that the baby would eventually die.

No sugar coating. These were the cold hard facts. Here I was trying to stay strong and soak in the news. I honestly don't even remember everything that happened. I'm sure I bawled, but I know I was also in shock and was just praying that they were wrong, and my baby would be fine.

I'm so thankful my mom was with me. I'm not sure what I would have done had I been alone. She made all the phone calls for me. Called my husband so he could come be with me. Called work, my dad, brothers, grandparents. The doctor called St. Luke's hospital so we could go see a specialist, and have a level II ultrasound.

My mom drove my husband and I to St. Lukes which was a blessing. The specialist asked a ton of questions in regards to family history, had there ever been any genetic abnormalities..that line of questioning. I had just turned 23 a couple weeks before this happened. Why would we ever think there would be a genetic problem with our baby?

Finally we had our ultrasound. It was confirmed the baby had a very large Cystic Hygroma, and that the baby would absolutely not live. The doctor told me that we could terminate the pregnancy, but that was never an option for us. We are firm believers in Pro Life, and if God wanted to take this baby on to heaven, he would do it when he was ready. So we left the hospital with several pictures in tow. I'm so thankful for those pictures.

I was so afraid of becoming angry with God for letting this happen. We as humans always want to know, why? What did I do? I refused to lose my faith and turn my back on God. I knew He had a plan for me, and I would carry this baby happily to the end. In the weeks after, I felt the baby kick, move around like crazy. It was so amazing to feel that. I had weekly ultrasounds, and the baby continued to grow perfectly. I was thankful for the time I had.

On January 15, 2008, I went in for my weekly ultrasound. I was in great spirits. I had been trusting God through this all. 5 weeks after the doctors told us our baby would die, he finally did. There was no heart beat on the monitor. I was devastated. No amount of time to prepare for the inevitable, can lessen the pain. We were all heartbroken. We knew this would happen, but we had hoped God would give us a miracle and heal our baby.

I asked the doctor, "what do we do now?" I hadn't been prepared for what we would do when the baby died. She told me I would have to deliver the baby. I don't know why I was shocked, honestly what else did I think to expect? She asked me when I would like to do it, and I chose immediately. I didn't want to delay it anymore. I'm thankful for the 5 weeks that I had after the devastating news, but I was really ready for it to all be over. It was time for me to heal, as best I could.

The nurse called my family for me, which was a blessing. I was in no condition to call anyone and physically tell them what happened, and what was going to happen. After family arrived I went upstairs to the birthing floor to be induced. Not something I had planned on doing that day.

had extended family come to show their support for us, but truth be told, it wasn't exactly a time I wanted to visit. I was trying to stay strong for my husband, and myself. It wasn't easy to do. All I wanted was for this nightmare to be over, but I would mourn later.

12 hours later I had delivered a little boy. We named him Trenton Parker. We never knew the sex, because his genitals weren't developed enough to see on the ultrasound. 17 weeks I had carried this little baby, and now it was over. It was hard. Going home after delivery empty handed is indescribable. One cannot truly comprehend that pain until they've experienced it themselves, and I pray that doesn't happen.

My husband was an amazing support for me. We got through this together. I took a couple weeks off from work to heal physically, and emotionally. I desperately needed that time. We were showered with flowers and cards from friends and family. It was so kind and thoughtful of them all. We are forever grateful.

I eventually went back to work and had to endure people asking "how's the baby?" All I wanted to do was run the other way and cry, but they didn't know any better. I had people say, "oh you're young, you can try again." Or "you'll have more." People don't realize how insensitive those words are to someone. It's best just to say things like, "I'm sorry for your loss." That's what it is afterall, a loss of something that was apart of you. I didn't lose a pair of shoes, or get a bad haircut. I lost what I wanted most of all, my baby.

We were so scared to try again and have this happen again, but we really wanted a child. I even more so had a desperate longing after losing our baby. Little did we know what God had in store for us.

We were not trying to get pregnant at all. We wanted a baby, but we were really in no rush. We were still devastated by our loss. We just leaned on the comfort and support of one another, trying to move on.

Less than two months later I was pregnant....with twins. Did God have something in store for us! No one could have ever prepared me enough for what would happen in the next year.

Part two coming soon...

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Attitude..what to do with it?

These last few days have been tough. My two have been giving me a terrible attitude. I'm honestly finding myself at a loss as how to handle this.

I have found myself praying for my behavior versus theirs. I'm praying that I will be patient and calm. Kind and loving. This is definitely a stage. The fact that we're cooped up in the house most of the time from the heat doesn't help either.

I guess the reason I feel compelled to pray for my behavior is because children learn from example. Do my children wear on my last nerve sometimes? Absolutely. I'd be lying if I said no, but I have felt lately that I as their mother need to try my best to set a good example for them. Meaning, stay as patient, kind, and calm as possible when I get their attitude.

I'm not the type of mother who deals with backtalk, attitudes, or disrespect well. I feel that as a parent I shouldn't have to either. It is my job as their mother to teach them how to behave properly. And if you are at the same place as me and see my children acting up, you will probably overhear me asking them if we need to go to the bathroom for a correction. I have to stay consistent with them.

I have had strangers in public tell me I'm doing a great job with my kids. We as mothers need that encouragement, because we all have those days where we ask ourselves if we are doing anything right! I know I sure do.

Won't you join me in praying for our behaviors as mothers, because we too can always use an attitude adjustment?

Being a mom is by far the hardest job I've ever had, but it is the most rewarding, and to me the most important thing I will ever do. I do not have it all figured out, nor do I have any answers. I just try to listen and see what God is convicting me to do, and right now, it's watching my attitude towards my very vulnerable children. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

A place to keep secret thoughts

There are a lot of changes happening in the our household, and with me personally..

I bought a new journal so I can share my thoughts somewhere, because unfortunately I cannot share them here, yet. Yes, I do have secrets.. I'm not very good at journaling. I honestly feel silly writing down all my thoughts. It would be a 1,267 book if I wrote them all down, and that would just be book 1!

I'm the type who lays in bed at night and my mind just wanders...and wanders while my husband is beside me snoring away. It's quite obnoxious actually...the wandering mind that is.

Why is it that women have this problem? Doesn't our mind work enough as it is during the day? I know mine does!

Do you have any suggestions on how to ease the wandering mind?!

Back to the journal...

Is it normal to feel silly journaling? Maybe it's just not my thing? Maybe there are tricks to it? Yes, maybe that's it.. I just need to learn.

Have any links on how to become an awesome journalist? Send them my way friends!

Here is a picture of the adorable journal I bought from one of my most favorite places to go. Target!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Loving The Little Years

I know I have written about how I would love to have a godly friend that would help encourage me in my life. But the most important thing to me above all other relationships, is my husband and my children. They are my pride and joy. I do not need to go spend time with a friend every weekend, or even every other week. It's nice to have some time away, but my job is to be the best mother I can be to my children. And I don't know about you friends, but someday's that requires a lot of work!

I'm far from perfect. I lose my patience far to easily sometimes. I yell. I get angry. I'm just keeping it real here...   This mama has a lot of work to do!

Last summer I bought Loving The Little Years. I remember after I finished the whopping 102 page book, that it was something I felt I should read every year, at least once or twice.

This isn't your ordinary parenting book where she gives you all sorts of different ways to handle your children. It's not a discipline book either. It's just an honest mother of 5 under 5, sharing her journey, and encouraging us along our way.

I'm in desperate need of a refresher of what she wrote in this book. I honestly don't remember. I do remember I appreciated the fact that she didn't sugar coat things. She didn't write about her children being perfect angels, and that she never once loses her patience.

I wouldn't want to read a book like that. There is no such thing as a perfect mother, or child. And quite frankly I don't think half of these mothers who write blogs have it all together like they put on. I want someone I can relate to, because let's face it, we all have bad days, or even weeks!

I cannot wait to dive into this book tonight. I think I'm more excited to read it the second time around than I was the first time.

I'll share my thoughts as I journey through it!

Have any of you read this book?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Escaping.. my reality

Sometimes I just want to escape.

My own reality that is.

It's not that my reality is a bad thing. It's actually pretty amazing. I just like to not have to think for awhile. You know?

I like to escape in a good book. Mostly a fiction book, because well, as much as I love inspirational, encouraging books, I don't always want to read them. I feel like when I do, I have to think about myself to much! I need to change on that... blah blah blah. I cannot really need that much work, can I? Yes, I probably can!

I also like to check out other people's blogs. Get ideas, inspiration, stuff like that. I don't really have any that I have found are fabulous though, other than Mommypotamus.  I run across some that post once a month or so, and that's ok, because well, I have gone a long time without making one post!

I want to make this blog useful. It's called Ramblings Of A Redheaded Mama, but do people really care what my ramblings are?! If I wrote about everything that went through my head, I'd be asking for trouble. Haha!

I vent about my experiences as a mother. I could write a lot of those posts. ;) But I feel like it might be perceived as me complaining about my children, which isn't what I ever mean to do. I love those little munckins!

I'm certainly not a model for a godly woman, but I like to talk about my growth with the Lord.

So readers out there, what are some things you LIKE to read about? Give me love friends! Post anonymously if you'd like. ;)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Apple Chips

Apple Chips

We can sit down and eat a whole batch of these in one sitting...if I'd let us. They are just so good!

I use my Pampered Chef apple peeler/slicer/corer. This makes these apple chips so easy to make.

I dip the slices into lemon juice to help prevent them from turning brown as they're drying.

I place them in the dehydrator. Plug it in, and let it do all the work. :o)

You could sprinkle cinnamon, or sugar on top of them, but we like them plain.

You can use your oven for drying them if you don't have a dehydrator. Cook apple chips for about 1 1/2 hours at 250 degrees.

I just store my chips in a plastic bag. can use a bowl, or whatever you prefer. If they even last that long. :o

Homemade Deodorant

You make your own deodorant?

Yes, yes I do.

Why, you ask?

Why not?

Have you looked at the ingredients in your deodorant? Umm..gross. Aluminum is the active ingredient. Did you know aluminum is a toxic metal, that should not be in our bodies?  Not only is the aluminum toxic, but the deodorant is also loaded with parabens which are also extremely carcinogenic. Did you know that the ingredients found in deodorants are also the same that researchers have found in 99% of all breast cancer patients?

I can't speak for you, but that doesn't fly with me. I'm not going to knowingly slather carcinogenic junk on my body. So for those of you who don't know about this, please research it for yourself. Knowledge is power! We do not have to increase our chances of breast cancer.

I'm going to give you a recipe I have found from reading online. It has been adapted for my personal use.

This is going to be the hardest thing you have ever made before in your life. I'm just bracing you for what's next....

These are the ingredients that you need:

1/4 cup GMO free cornstarch or arrowroot powder
1/4 cup baking soda
3 Tablespoons coconut oil
essential oils, optional

Yep. That's it. Seriously the easiest thing you will probably ever make in your life!

Mix cornstarch or arrowroot powder to the baking soda, then add in the melted coconut oil. Stir thoroughly. Add in essential oils. I then add the mixture to an empty deodorant tube. You can keep it in a jar if you prefer. I stick it in the fridge to harden up, then it's done!

I'm going to be straight with you. I tried the recipe exactly as listed above. It worked amazingly, except I got an irritating rash from the baking soda. My mom on the other hand, didn't experience this. So I adapted the recipe for myself.

Instead of using 1/4 cup baking soda, I use less than 1/8 of a cup, then I add citric acid to fill the 1/4 cup. I then add 10 drops of tea tree oil, and 10 drops lavender. Tea tree is an anti-microbial so that helps with the smell. This is the only deodorant I have ever used in my entire life where I don't have the slightest bit of odor.

This isn't just a deodorant for women, men can use it too!

I love it, and I hope you do too!

Homemade No Bake Granola Bars

Who doesn't love a yummy granola bar? I don't know about you...but I love them! I adapted this recipe from The Marathon Mom. I never actually made her recipe as she has it written, but I'm sure they're delish that way too.

A downfall of buying granola bars from the store is they are processed and loaded with high fructose corn syrup, and preservatives. I'm not really interested in pumping that junk into my body or my children's, so this recipe is perfect. The time it takes me to make them is maybe 5-7 minutes (depending on how many extra hands I have helping!).

These are super easy to make, really. You'll be thinking, "Why didn't I do this sooner?!". These ingredients are always in stock in my kitchen, so making them is a breeze for me. If you don't have all of these ingredients on hand, don't stress, I'm sure you can sub something you do have for what you don't. This is a picture of the ingredients that I used (chocolate chips are not pictured):


1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup sugar, brown sugar, sucanat, turbinado (I used my organic evaporated cane juice)
2 cups oats
1 cup combined of unsweetened shredded coconut, flax seed, and oats
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1/4+cup chocolate chips(let's just say I've never measured ;) )

Combine oats, coconut, and flax in a  bowl.

I go ahead and add some chocolate chips to the mixture.

Combine coconut oil, sugar and honey in saucepan to melt. Stir constantly.

 When bubbly, about 2 or 3 minutes, remove and let cool for a minute or two. Then add vanilla.

Add wet mixture to oat mixture and stir thoroughly.

Then add mixture to a greased pan. You can use 8x8, but I've found that I like my 11x7 pan much better because the bars aren't as thick. Then add some chocolate chips to the top and press down the mixture firmly.  If you don't pack it down good, your bars won't be intact.

Put the bars into the freezer or fridge for a few minutes to harden up.

Then pull them out and place the pan upside down to get the bars onto a cutting board. Slice and enjoy!

Mmmm...mmmm...mmmm. They are addicting. I'm just warning you now. :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

New way of dealing..with my 3 year olds..

Yesterday was a little exhausting. This age 3, is very challenging someday's. I have one child who is quite mouthy. She can be pretty hateful sometimes, and boy is backtalking one of her specialties.

As Warren and I were talking to the girls as we were putting them to bed last night about their behavior, I decided, right then, I was going to start making a list throughout the day of their inappropriate behavior, and when Warren gets home he can discuss it with them.

I'm not passing on disciplining them myself, that will still happen, it just gets a little tiring feeling like I'm doing all of it.

I made two categories; PRAISE, and NOT SO HOT. I felt like if I was going to write down unkind behavior, and disobedience, I am also going to focus on praising them too. Doesn't everyone like praise?!

My hope for this is that they will learn to think about their actions and words before they do them. Will I write down every little thing? I doubt it. This is just a way to keep their daddy involved during the day, and a way for me to step back and really focus on what's going on throughout our day.

Was it my mood that had an effect? Was it really their actions that deserved said punishment? Was I too hard on them, was I not hard enough? And quite honestly, sometimes mama just doesn't have the same effect as daddy does.  I am with them 24/7. They do know how to push my buttons..

So far this morning all I have written down is in the praise category!

Have any of you ever tried this before? Did it work for you? I'd love to hear suggestions!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Am I The Only One?

Sometimes I wonder, am I the only one?

Am I the only one who has a hard time finding and keeping a good friend? Why is it so hard to find that "perfect" friend? Sure I have other friends too.

I have a great friend, but she lives in Ohio and before that Oregon. I miss her. She and I aren't on the same spiritual level, but that's ok, I still love her.

Why is it so hard for women to find a close friend? We all want one, regardless of what we may say! It's just the way God created us. We need that this type of friendship. We have our husbands as our #1 best friend, but I don't know about you, but my husband doesn't like it to well when I "talk about him" him. :)

We as women and mothers need these friends whom we can vent to, cry to, and encourage us. I'm not embarrassed to say that I want that, and I want to be that friend.

So my question is, am I the only one? Do others feel this way too, and just never talk about it? Maybe it's just me, and my personality. I'm unsure.