Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My Menu For The Week

This is what's on the menu for the week. I don't ever put a day to a meal, because it really just depends on what sounds good to me at the moment.

I have most of the meat thawing right now. These are just dinner ideas, because the girls and I generally just eat leftovers or something really easy. I don't generally cook lunch, because there is no need too when we have plenty of leftovers in the fridge, and let's be honest, I don't enjoy cooking 3 meals a day.

*Spicy Italian Beef*


*Roasted Chicken*


*Spaghetti, or Cowboy Spaghetti*


*Salmon or Tilapia*
I also have yogurt going in the crockpot right now. Chicken broth will be made after we have the roasted chicken.

I just made granola balls, and tomorrow I will be making Strawberry Cupcakes with fresh whipped cream on top. Tonight we will have root beer floats with fresh homemade ice cream from raw milk for dessert. Yummo!!!!

A few breakfast meals this week:

*Sausage breakfast burritos*

*Baked Amish Oatmeal*

What's on your menu this week?


  1. so, just so you know, a menu with no recipes is like dangling chocolate in my face and then pulling it away. Recipes please!!

  2. Hahaha! I will be glad to put them up! I just wanted to see if anyone was interested before I went to the trouble. ;)


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