Thursday, November 29, 2012

Pregnancy Blues?

I try to be a source of encouragement. I try to be in a positive spirit.

Lately though, I have been the one in need of encouragement.

I haven't felt like myself. It feels like most days I have no drive, no ambition, no motivation. Someday's I have all of that. I get a lot accomplished, just to watch it all fall apart again. Why do I even bother? That seems to be where my mind leads me.

Everywhere I look there is something that needs to be done. Whether it's stuff to put away, toys to pick up, laundry to be done, kitchen to clean for the third or fourth time that day, you know how it is. I've been so discouraged.

My emotions have been under control pretty well though. I haven't really had anymore crying outbursts, thank God. But I have been aware that I'm just not myself. Maybe it's the lack of sleep due to the pregnancy induced carpal tunnel..

I have started to feel stressed out, and overwhelmed. I'm 26 weeks today, and I'm completely aware that the baby could come in 10 weeks, I pray not before then. My husband has been working really hard to get our basement finished so we can move the girls' playroom downstairs, and get the baby's room all set up. I'm thankful we kept the cribs, dresser, and swings from the girls, but we have had to start over from the beginning. I haven't acquired much yet. I've bought some clothes for her, from a girl that was getting rid of her baby clothes, but other than that, we still have a lot to get.

I know babies don't need a whole lot in the beginning, but she needs more than what we have for her. I think with all these thoughts of what I still need to do and get, and the demands of two four year olds, is really stressing me out. I am not a wait till the last minute type of girl. That will send me over the edge.

At this point, there are no plans of a baby shower, so I'm trying to get what I can, when we can. I know these are all normal things, and I'm not the only person to ever feel this way, so I'm not trying to have a pity party, I just needed to talk about it.

I talked with a friend the other night about how down I have felt lately. I didn't know if this was normal or not to feel so down. With my first two pregnancies I didn't have these feelings. I feel so bad for feeling the way that I do.

She reassured me that it's completely normal, I am not a nut job. Haha! I am a mom who is adjusting to the fact of having a third child. She also told me that when her life gets messy, it's when she has been trying to go at it alone. She hasn't been letting God take the lead. How true that is. I have had that realization too. I have noticed that when I don't make time for God, things are so out of control.

Yesterday God led me to two different posts by a godly woman of 8 boys. It was so helpful for me. He always gives us what we need, when we need it. I know that He will provide everything we need for this little nameless baby girl too. I just have to give it all over to Him.

Thank you Jesus for your grace and love. And thank you nameless friend for your encouragement.

Dear readers, if you would be so kind, could you say a prayer for me though? I would greatly appreciate it. With God's help, I will feel like "me" again, soon. :)

Here are the great posts written by Brandy.

Dear Overwhelmed Mother of Little Ones
What Moms Need: Week 1 – GOD

This makes me smile though


  1. Oh dear one, I know how you feel! I'm 35 weeks and have been feeling so overwhelmed with last few days. I have a 14 month old and some days it's all I can do not trip over toys and make sure everyone has food to eat. I know when I feel sad and overwhelmed it's because I'm tired and not relying on the Lord's strength. It's so easy to let our thoughts run away with us. I remember one particularly trying time in my pregnancy where I pretty much cried everyday. My husband would come home and I would curl up in bed and cry myself to sleep. It's takes a lot of work emotionally and physically to grow a little one, and that can take a toll on a mom. Don't stress about getting everything done. This baby will have everything she needs even if it means making a fast trip to the store on the way home from the hospital! Just keep those eyes on Jesus and you'll make it :)

    1. Thank you so much Katherine. Your words brought tears to my eyes! I appreciate the encouragement! I'll pray for you and your pregnancy. These emotions are so hard to deal with, its nice to know I'm not the only one. I think you may be right, a quick stop by the store on the way home from the hospital is probably in our future. Haha! :)

  2. My third child was a surprise of timing (We thought a bigger gap between the second and their would be best, but God had other plans!), and I was sick until well after 20 weeks. It was a tearful pregnancy. That little baby is a three year old little guy that I can't imagine life without now. I hope that everything falls in to place for you to feel prepared for your newest addition. I didn't feel like me again for awhile, but I'm there now.

    I recited Jer 29:11 to myself over and over.
    "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

    May God grant you peace and joy in this pregnancy and the little one growing inside you.


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