Thursday, December 12, 2013

It Takes A Village

I think the African proverb, "It takes a village to raise a child", is completely true!

In my 5 years of parenting I have sought out the advice and help from lots of people. Whether it be from family members, non family members, google, or books. I humbly admit that I do not know it all.

During pregnancy we have so much made up in our minds on what we will do and what we won't do. I'm sure we have all said, "oh I will NEVER do that!" and yet we have found ourselves doing that said thing. It's ok! Really it is. 

I will admit that when my twins were probably about 18 months, I began to feel that everything that I thought I knew was all wrong. I started venturing out and reading and gaining all sorts of information on different topics. My husband and I decided that we were going to go against the norm and do things a little differently. 

You know what the cool part is? It's totally ok to do that too! These are our children and we can do whatever we feel is best for them. 

The fun part is through this village of people we have found people who believe in our different ways and people who do things completely opposite of us.  I think it's fabulous. I have learned so much from other moms. 

Nobody is born wise. ~ African proverb

God gave these women to us, whether they're the same age as us, or 30 years older than us, to be our mentors. I love that I am continuously learning every single day of my life. I have the honor to gain knowledge from so many different people and learn through them as well. I may not choose to use everything they share with me at the time, and that's ok too. 

I am incredibly grateful for that friend I can call or text when I'm going off the deep end and I'm blowing something so trivial out of proportion. That friend who tells me to come get keifer because she knows it will make my baby feel better. 

My mom who I can send a crazy message to and ask what I'm doing so wrong?!! The friends at church who I know will always pray for me when I ask. The grandparents who come take the oldest two when I need a little breather. 

And all the people who love my children unconditionally. It means so much to me!

People have come and gone in our "village," and I know there will be many more that come and go too.  I believe that God gives us just what we need when we need it.  And often times that "what" is usually in the form of a person.  I don't want to be so set in my ways that I can't embrace what God is trying to give me through someone else.

If you are filled with pride, then you will have no room for wisdom. ~ African proverb

I don't think I have ever had so many people in my life that I adore so much! Thank you to my village.  I love you all so much! 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

29 things about me on my 29th birthday!

Today is my 29th birthday. I thought it would be fun to share 29 things about me! 

1. I love to laugh

2. I hate putting laundry away. 

3. I stay up late and soak in the peacefulness of my house. That's my time to be alone for awhile. Unwind from the crazy day. 

4. I sleep until my kids wake me up in the morning. 

5. I always wanted to me a mom, that's all I've ever wanted to be, well besides a wife of course.  ;)

6. I always wanted a daughter. I even told my husband that if we didn't have one, we would adopt. Ha! God blessed us with 3! 

7. I'm a sinner. 

8. I was saved when I was 9 years old. 

9. I fail to have my quiet time with God everyday. 

10. I'm extremely hard on myself---I am getting better about this though. 

11. My house is often more messy than it is in order.

12. ⬆️ That's been extremely challenging for me the last couple years, but I've learned that it's ok to have a less than perfect house. I can pick it up after the kids are in bed. 

13. I like routine for our day. 

14. I taught myself how to crochet. 

15. And sew. 

16. I need to learn to love exercising. 

17. I have 13 chickens. 

18. I'd love to have a cow, pigs, turkey's, and meat chickens. One day we will be more self sufficient. 

19. I'm allergic to wheat. 

20. I have naturally curly hair, but after the birth of my twins, I lost most of my curl. 😩

21. When I get an opportunity to be lazy, I take it. 

22. I'm a music junkie. I cannot live without it. 

23. Since becoming a mom, I've dealt with mom anger, but with help from The Lord, I've overcome a lot! 

24. I'm not super mom, and I'm ok with that! 

25. I love to read, but since the birth of Carly, I haven't made much time for it. 

26. I cook real food for my family and 98% of the time, it's all organic. That's my gift to them.  

27. I love that we have the opportunity to learn, grow, and change every single day. 

28. I'm thankful that God is in control of my life, otherwise, who knows where I would be right now! 

29. I don't dread getting older. Wisdom comes with age. These are the best years of my life! I look forward for what is to come. 

Do we have anything in common?!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A few updates, and a look at what's to come

It's been pretty quiet on the blog for a few months. I'm not sure if I even have any readers out there! I apologize my friends! 

I haven't had a lot of rambles that I've needed to share. I had way more than I wish I would of had while I was pregnant with Carly. Boy, that was such a hard time for me. 

Anywho, I'm just going to share a few iPhone pictures of what's been happening in my life lately, but first I'm going to share a few ideas of posts that I plan on talking about soon. 

•We are going to start the girls in Kindergarten after the first of the year. I'm not 100% positive which program I'm going to go with, but I've got a pretty good idea.  

•Why we are simplifying Christmas this year. 

•How my Bible study is making me feel like I'm actually making progress at being the mom I'm meant to be. 

These are just a few ideas that I've got up my sleeve. They will appear on the blog when I feel like The Lord has told me just what to say. 

If you have ideas on what you'd like to see here, leave them in the comments. I'd love to hear them! 



Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hearty Meatloaf

I found this recipe years ago in a cookbook, but I have no idea which one it was! I just know that I love it, but I think my girls love it even more than I do. I would make it more often than I do now, but my husband HATES meatloaf! How could a person hate meatloaf?!! I don't understand.

 Here you go:

2 pounds ground beef
1 onion, chopped
1 garlic clove
2 medium eggs, organic preferably
1/2 cup quick cooking oats
1/4 cup ketchup
2 T. Worchestershire sauce
2 tsp. Salt
1 T. Paprika
1 tsp. Dried parsley
1 tsp. Black pepper

1/4 cup brown sugar, coconut sugar, or evaporated cane juice
1/4 cup ketchup
1 tsp dijon mustard
1 tsp dry mustard

There isn't any fancy way to mix this all together. Just mix all the ingredients together, except the glaze. Put the meat in a 9 x 13 dish. Mix the glaze ingredients together and top the meat mixture with it. Bake in a 400* preheated oven for 1 hour.


My Menu For The Week

This is what's on the menu for the week. I don't ever put a day to a meal, because it really just depends on what sounds good to me at the moment.

I have most of the meat thawing right now. These are just dinner ideas, because the girls and I generally just eat leftovers or something really easy. I don't generally cook lunch, because there is no need too when we have plenty of leftovers in the fridge, and let's be honest, I don't enjoy cooking 3 meals a day.

*Spicy Italian Beef*


*Roasted Chicken*


*Spaghetti, or Cowboy Spaghetti*


*Salmon or Tilapia*
I also have yogurt going in the crockpot right now. Chicken broth will be made after we have the roasted chicken.

I just made granola balls, and tomorrow I will be making Strawberry Cupcakes with fresh whipped cream on top. Tonight we will have root beer floats with fresh homemade ice cream from raw milk for dessert. Yummo!!!!

A few breakfast meals this week:

*Sausage breakfast burritos*

*Baked Amish Oatmeal*

What's on your menu this week?

Monday, June 3, 2013

I have a confession to make...

I have a confession to make. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has ever had these thoughts...

Before I became pregnant with Carly, my husband and I were not really sure if we wanted any more children. I didn't know if I wanted to go through all of "it" again. Out of my two pregnancies, they were both far from perfect. So I was a little scared to do it all again.

I had also talked to my husband about whether it would be selfish. I didn't know if it would be selfish to give our daughters another sibling, someone they had to share us with even more. I didn't know if it would be selfish to NOT give them another sibling to love.

And lastly, this is the thought I'm sure we have all had at one time or another..

Can I love another child the way I love the children I already have?

The answer is yes! Most positively yes!!! How could you not? Once you meet the face of the child you have carried within you for 40 weeks, it's an overwhelming love only a parent can have for a child.

My daughters were so ecstatic about their baby sister the whole time I was pregnant with her. It was so incredible to experience. All the feelings and thoughts I had, seemed so silly.

Having one baby this time has been such an amazing experience. I feel a deeper connection with Carly than I was able to get with my twins when they were this age. My days with them were spent just trying to survive. Going through the same motions. I wouldn't change it though, if I could. Those girls are so incredibly special to me.

I would have 20 children, but that's not really what I want to do. I'm still struggling with having a third child, and balancing it all. Things are getting better, but I have a deep desire to spend more time with my big girls, than what I can. I know in time, it will all fall into place.

I'm so thankful that I didn't listen to those thoughts that rolled around in my head. The, what ifs, the cost, the time and energy, the sacrifices.

For me, it is all worth it. My purpose in this life is to be a mother and to raise my children to know and follow Jesus. I can't think of anything else I would rather do.

Sometimes I ask myself why I waited so long to have another baby. But, I'm really glad I did. Carly has 2 big sisters who adore her, and are such big helpers. And to be honest, I really just wasn't ready yet. The Lord decided it was time though, and I'm so grateful for our latest blessing!

Carly will be 3 months old tomorrow, and they have been 3 fabulous months!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Story of Carly's Birth

This is the story of Carly's birth. Have you ever watched A Baby Story on TLC, and seen some of the women who don't even act like they're in labor? Yeah, this story isn't anything like that. ( Some pictures may be a little blurry, as my husband took them. ;) )

A Little Backstory 

I had a few crazy days before Carly was born, and it just wouldn't be right to not share them here. I had my 39 week appointment on Thursday and was so upset the baby hadn't been born yet. You can read about my horrible day here. It was really horrible.

The next day, my daughters broke my iPod, which is my lifeline. I literally have to have my music to remain sane. I was so upset. I know its just a possession, but it makes me a happy mama, so I feel that's pretty important.

I had a great friend surprise me with flowers later that day. She knew how emotional and out of my mind I was. That generous act of kindness made my day so much better. My tears of sadness turned to happy tears. I'm still thankful for her.

Later that night, my husband was staining our basement steps, so he could spray lacquer on them the following day. We are chatting away and he says, "what is that smell? It smells like a skunk." I told him I didn't smell anything...yet anyways. A few minutes later I caught whiff of the horrible smell. I set out to find it.

I opened our back door, which leads to our sunroom, which we don't use, that's where our dog sleeps. The smell was disgusting! I quickly realized our dog had been sprayed in the face by a skunk. Poor dog!

I want you to envision me, 5' 1, 39 weeks pregnant, picking up my 40 pound dog to lift her into our 18inch deep bathtub. I can't believe I didn't go into labor right then....back to the story.

On Saturday, my husband set out to spray our steps, so the girls and I headed to my grandparents. The smell would be to much for us to stay home and smell. I left the girls to play for awhile, and I set out to go to Target to walk around, and honestly, I just needed to be alone. I had been in such a grumpy mood, so time alone was much needed.

I picked the girls up later and we made our way back home to our smelly house. The fumes gave me a headache, but I survived.

Sunday morning, Mackenzie woke up complaining her tummy hurt. She ended up vomiting. She had caught the flu her sister had just gotten over. She ended up back asleep in my bed.

I decided to take Taylor to church, while my husband stayed home with Mackenzie. I knew I wouldn't be there the next Sunday, so I didn't want to miss that service. I don't know why I went, really. I was so tired, and miserable. I barely even listened to the sermon because I was just so unhappy.

We came home and I snuggled with Mackenzie. She was still getting sick, and running a fever. I felt so bad for her. I laid on the couch most of the day.  I think I may have even dozed off for a bit...which never happens.

I was making lasagna for dinner, and Mackenzie got sick again. I was in with her when my husband comes running by, headed to get his gun. He ran out the door saying the neighbors dogs were in our chicken house. I took off after him! (No lives were lost this day...dogs or chickens, but a chicken did get drug off by the dog.)

Dinner was not good for me, I just didn't feel well. I ended up on the couch, where I sent my friend a message venting about my feelings and how miserable I was. I'm pretty sure I cried a I sent it.

I decided to go to bed early. I was really feeling awful. I was having lots of diarrhea and I was so afraid I was getting what the girls had. I called my mom for a few minutes and told her what was up. I wanted to let her know I may be needing her help if I was sick. I told her I was praying the baby wouldn't be born tonight...not while the girls were not well, and especially if I was sick! Little did I know what was about to happen...

And labor begins...

I barely slept that night. I got up a few times to go to the bathroom. Around 11 or so, I thought I was going to vomit. Thankfully I didn't. I took a couple tums to see if that would help. I was half asleep, and I kept feeling stomach pains. Mackenzie had vomited in her bed during, so Warren got up to help me with her. 

At 2:30, I got up to go to the bathroom again. As I was sitting there, I realized these stomach pains were coming every six minutes. I quickly realized these were contractions. These felt nothing like the braxton hicks I had been feeling for the last 10 weeks. I had to get up and sway my hips to get through them. I woke Warren up and told him we may be going to the hospital really soon. He laid in bed as long as possible. 

I started googling....diarrhea and labor.. Yep! A sign labor is beginning. 

At 3:30, I was for sure I was in labor. I told Warren to get up, call my brother to come over, and to call my mom. As he was making phone calls, Mackenzie got up again, and threw up all the way to the bathroom. I comforted her, and started cleaning up her vomit. I started contracting again and told Warren he was going to have to take care of it. {My husband does not do vomit well...he has a gag reflex, and well you get the hint.}

It's 4am Monday morning, both girls are awake on the couch, my brother shows up, and we give lots of hugs and kisses, and then we take off for the hospital. 

We arrive at 4:30am, and they wheel me to labor and delivery. They do a vaginal exam around 5 to see how far along I was. Still 2cm 75% effaced, just like I was Thursday. I was a bit disappointed, I did not want to be sent home. So they put me on labor watch, and we walked around for an hour. I was still having contractions very regularly. 

Sometime between 6-6:30, my new nurse checked me again. I was a 4-5 and 90%. By this time the only way I was comfortable was standing, bent over the bed and breathing through the contractions. I had to stay in the bed for awhile so she could monitor baby and me. I knew to expect this, but I didn't like it! 

The doctor came in at 7 to talk with me. I agreed to let him break my water, which I wish I hadn't, but I can't change it now! At this point he checked me again, and I was dilated further. I was progressing so quickly. The pain was getting so bad. 

I had originally wanted to do a drug free birth. I wanted to be that tough woman who could do it all, you know? Yeah, not so much.

Everything was happening so quickly. I decided I wanted the epidural. I was in so much pain.

The contractions were coming so fast. I felt so much pressure. I was bent over the bed, doing my best to breathe through each contraction, while Warren pushed on my back. Without him doing that I would have been even more miserable. I barely had time to catch my breath before the next one began. 

He was texting someone an update while I was having a contraction. He had only one hand applying pressure. I was in so much pain, I said, "you're only doing it with one hand!!!!" That's the only time I got upset with him during labor. No, "I hate you's" from this girl.

By the time the anesthesiologist came in, I was dilated to a 7. He was trying to quickly give me some relief. I felt him poking the needle in and everything. After he was finally done, I only felt a little relief. I was surprised with this because with my twins I received an epidural, and didn't really feel much.

 I laid down to try to rest some, but I felt so much pressure. I could still feel every contraction, but the epidural took some of the edge off. In the mist of all of this, my blood pressure started to really drop. I really don't remember all that they were saying in the room. I didn't even know they were giving me medicine to help with my blood pressure, until several minutes later, I think...

I could hear the anesthesiologist and my nurse talking and watching to see if it was raising. Warren just stayed by my side refreshing my wash cloth. Finally it raised and stabilized. I just tried to rest a bit longer, but I was so tingly from the epidural. I was tingly all the way to the top of my boobs, and I couldn't hardly keep my left eye open.

The anesthesiologist came back in awhile to check on me again and asked how I was. I told him my symptoms. Turns out he had hit a nerve or something...I don't really know. All I know is he moved something and my boobs stopped tingling and I could keep my eye open.

 After all this, I was ready to push. I was beyond ready to meet my nameless baby girl. Even though I had an epidural, I felt every single thing...down there. I had read about "the ring of fire". I'm here to tell you, its true. All I could do was keep praying. There was no going back. The only way to get it to stop was well...keep pushing!!!

 After an hour of pushing, the doctor laid my beautiful daughter on my chest. That was the most amazing experience. I did not get to experience this with the birth of my twins. It was so healing for my soul to have her immediately in my arms. I felt like I had waited a lifetime to meet her. It was incredible.

She weighed in at 8lbs 4oz and 19 3/4 inches long. She was almost 4lbs bigger than Mackenzie and almost 2 1/2lbs bigger than Taylor. I knew I would have a hard time giving birth to her. She was worth every single tear I shed while pregnant. She looks almost identical to my baby pictures. It's so neat. I got to do skin to skin immediately as well. She wasn't quite ready to nurse at first, and that was ok. She's a nursing champ now.

Her big sisters came quickly to meet her. Mackenzie wore a mask so the baby wouldn't get sick. We asked the girls what their baby sister's name was. They said Carly. That's what they had wanted to name her all along. How neat is that, to be named by your big sisters? We gave her my middle name, Danielle.

Here was our Carly Danielle, so absolutely perfect. I didn't have any complications, or the need for any pain medication afterwards. Carly was so perfect we went home the next day instead of having to stay another night.

 I spent the next couple days healing and getting to know this baby I knew nothing about. It was incredible, and just what I needed. After having two previous pregnancies, and the premature birth of my twins, this birth was very healing for me. It mended a lot of pain that I had experienced in the past. My husband was the most amazing coach and so supportive. I could not have done it without him.

Did the birth go exactly how I had imagined? No, but I wouldn't have changed it. It's the story of Carly's birth. I'm so thankful for my three beauties. They are such a blessing to my life!

I'm Not "Super Mom"

The twins are laughing and playing.

The baby is crying for me to rock her because she just can't stay asleep.

The kitchen needs to be cleaned, yet again.

There is laundry to be put away.

Laundry to be washed.

Toys on the floor.

Messy bedrooms.

Plants to be planted.

The floor needs vacuumed.

It's hard to not feel overwhelmed being a stay at home mom. Always something to do, something to clean, an argument to break up.

I find the only way to make it through is to allow myself grace.

Do I like feeling this way? No. Will there always be this much to do? Yes. Is it the end of the world? No.

This is only a season of life. Before I know it, my daughters will be grown, and I don't want to think back and ask myself, "did I care enough about the hearts and desires of my children, or did I focus more on the work they brought me?"

I have to allow myself grace, everyday! I'm not super mom. I'm not perfect, and neither is my home.

I have to stop and ask myself, what would I rather have, and what does God want me to have? Happy children, who are free to grow, have fun, laugh, love, and realize we don't have to be "perfect" in this life? Or a perfect home with children who don't feel free to explore and can't be themselves?

I do like order in my home and I do expect my children to contribute and pick up after themselves, but I also have to remind myself that they are only 4, not 9. It's my job to teach and train them.

We are not perfect humans, and we aren't supposed to be, so I'm not going to teach my children that they need to strive to be perfect. We are born sinners. It's that simple.

Who do I need to impress? No one. Jesus sees past my imperfections and my not so perfect home.

I'm thankful for His grace and love. He knows I'm not super mom, and He doesn't expect me to be. My children don't care either. All they want is a happy mommy, who loves them. They would much rather I sit and cuddle with them than my bed being made.

I'm reminding myself today to enjoy this season in my life. Even on the hard, messy days. I don't need to be "super mom."

What about you?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

These are the days of my life

It's 2pm, I'm rocking Carly, trying to get her asleep. The 4 year olds came back a few minutes earlier to ask me something. After they made all sorts of ruckus and dropped what was in their hands, I finally got them leave. On her way Taylor whispers, loudly, 'mama!  her eyes are open!'

Ummm....ya think?!!

These are the days of my life.

Then a few minutes later, I hear them in the bathroom with the water running. I put the sleeping baby down, go to inspect what's going on. What do I find? Them washing the sand covered Barbie swimming pool off in the sink. M is wearing her new white high heels, that are now covered in mud.

Why are some moments so hard? Why do they always need to talk to me when I'm rocking the baby?

I will wait for the mud to dry and then she can help clean them off.

My husband calls, I share about the chaos, I take care of Taylor's boo boo. I go change a load of laundry. I do a quick sweep of the basement, and I start a movie for the girls.

As I come up the stairs, I hear the baby awake. She needs her mama again.

What does mama need? A minute to be Erica. A minute to not have someone who needs me, or something that needs to be done. I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming on this.

I love being a mom. I love my children more than life itself. I'm still just trying to figure this all out.

Things are getting a little better everyday though. Carly is sleeping more at night. I still don't get as much done during the day as I want or feel I need too.

She was 5 weeks old yesterday. It's already going to quickly. I knew it would. I knew what to expect this time.

I've got to not be so hard on myself. The messes and dishes have just got to wait. I'm not supermom. I'm just trying to make it through the day. One minute at a time..

This is the current state of my home, or kitchen I should say. Maybe the baby will sleep long enough I can tackle it?

The big girls are done with the movie we go again.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A little glimpse at the last 8 days

My sweet baby is 8 days old today. It seems these days have gone so quickly, but I have enjoyed them so very much.

Carly's birth was so incredibly different than the others I've experienced. The moment they laid her on my chest every ounce of fear, anxiety, worry, miserableness I had, disappeared. Immediately bonding with her was so comforting. Not ever have experienced that before, it was so incredible. We got to do skin to skin as soon as I wanted, I tried to nurse her as soon as I could, but she wasn't interested at that very moment. That was ok, she was soon enough!

She was born Monday morning and we went home Tuesday afternoon. The girls came to meet her Monday right after she was born, but Mackenzie was still sick with the stomach flu, so I didn't get to see them again for a few days. My mom kept the girls until Friday morning.

Those days alone with Carly were amazing. I don't think I can really explain how much I enjoyed them. Her birth and the following days alone to bond with her were soothing to my soul. The whole experience was very healing for me. To have an uncomplicated pregnancy this time, and getting to hold my baby instantly, as well as take her home with me the next day, was such a blessing.

I had no idea the amount of overwhelming joy and peace having Carly would bring me. Birthing and caring for one infant at a time is completely different than two!

I am so very blessed to have her finally here. Her big sisters love her so much. It has been quite an adjustment, and still is. Having two 4 year olds isn't an easy thing to do in the first place. They are at a stage where they would rather not listen and obey all the time, they are fighting/bickering a lot more, showing their independence, and my strong willed child is becoming more and more obvious everyday. That's a whole different post in itself though. I wish I could say its just from having the baby here, but its not. This is nothing new.

All in all, things are pretty great! I cannot get enough of these baby snuggles, and coos. Oh my heart is so happy!! Carly is very easy going. She crys when she's hungry, that's about it. She's definitely like her sisters there...don't get in the way of their food!

I'm so thankful for her. She is such a blessing already. I don't want to rush a thing. I know how quickly the time passes. Next thing I know, she will be 4!
Thank you Jesus for this precious gift!!

Here are a few phone pics from the past week...