Monday, April 22, 2013

I'm Not "Super Mom"

The twins are laughing and playing.

The baby is crying for me to rock her because she just can't stay asleep.

The kitchen needs to be cleaned, yet again.

There is laundry to be put away.

Laundry to be washed.

Toys on the floor.

Messy bedrooms.

Plants to be planted.

The floor needs vacuumed.

It's hard to not feel overwhelmed being a stay at home mom. Always something to do, something to clean, an argument to break up.

I find the only way to make it through is to allow myself grace.

Do I like feeling this way? No. Will there always be this much to do? Yes. Is it the end of the world? No.

This is only a season of life. Before I know it, my daughters will be grown, and I don't want to think back and ask myself, "did I care enough about the hearts and desires of my children, or did I focus more on the work they brought me?"

I have to allow myself grace, everyday! I'm not super mom. I'm not perfect, and neither is my home.

I have to stop and ask myself, what would I rather have, and what does God want me to have? Happy children, who are free to grow, have fun, laugh, love, and realize we don't have to be "perfect" in this life? Or a perfect home with children who don't feel free to explore and can't be themselves?

I do like order in my home and I do expect my children to contribute and pick up after themselves, but I also have to remind myself that they are only 4, not 9. It's my job to teach and train them.

We are not perfect humans, and we aren't supposed to be, so I'm not going to teach my children that they need to strive to be perfect. We are born sinners. It's that simple.

Who do I need to impress? No one. Jesus sees past my imperfections and my not so perfect home.

I'm thankful for His grace and love. He knows I'm not super mom, and He doesn't expect me to be. My children don't care either. All they want is a happy mommy, who loves them. They would much rather I sit and cuddle with them than my bed being made.

I'm reminding myself today to enjoy this season in my life. Even on the hard, messy days. I don't need to be "super mom."

What about you?

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