Thursday, February 14, 2013

37 weeks and a not so happy body, or face

I woke up today feeling, just ok. I haven't slept well the last couple nights. I've had lots of Braxton Hicks contractions these last few days. My mind has been so busy during the night, it doesn't want me to sleep well.

I'm tired. My family has been sick for awhile now. My husband ran a fever off and on for 10 days, my girls had one for a couple days. Now one just has a little runny nose and a mild cough, occasionally. My husband has been fever free for 3 days now!

Guess who woke up today with a touch of a sore throat? This girl.

I've also had lots of abdominal pain. Not sure if its just the muscles stretching or what. I've also had some crampy feeling, and a few Braxton Hicks. You know, just because someone claims they're "fake", doesn't make them hurt any less.

I have a Dr appt later today. I'm hoping he will give me some good news. I just keep praying baby girl will come soon.

I'm so thankful for the blessing of another baby. I really can't wait to meet her, I'm just really exhausted. I'm beyond ready to be me again. I don't feel like myself, mentally or physically.

This pregnancy has been much easier than my pregnancy with my twins, physically, of course. But I cannot say it has been mentally. I really cannot explain what I feel or think. I just know, its not like my normal self.

So many changes coming. I know it will be an adjustment, and I'm sure emotional, because...well let's just be honest, with all these hormones, how could it not be?!

Baby girl remains nameless, and will until we meet her. We just really do not know what her name is, and that's ok.

Wish me luck, and say a prayer baby will come really soon!! I'm off to the Doctor!

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