Monday, February 18, 2013

A Special Sunday

Sunday was such a wonderful day. We didn't do anything special, we didn't go anywhere fun. We spent the day at home after church. And I'm so glad.

We got home from church, and my husband made hot ham and cheese sandwiches for us for lunch. Nothing spectacular, but I didn't have to make it, so that was pretty spectacular to me!

After lunch he decided to go to his shop and build something his dad was needing, so I had the girls change and they went to hang with daddy for awhile.

I have been waking about every two hours at night, so I'm feeling pretty tired these days. 17 days until my due date...not that I'm counting or anything...

I decided to lay on the couch and rest instead of doing all the things I should have. I don't regret it one bit. I eventually had two visitors who decided to join me, and well, there just isn't as much room to snuggle beside mama on the couch as their used to be. One girl in front, one girl behind= not so comfy mama.

I headed to my bed, and spent a little while there, alone. Ahhh!!! It was lovely. I of course was visited a few times and checked on, and was told I love you, by some special little girls.

Then daddy came in and checked on me too. I asked of he'd be interested in making his famous enchilada casserole for dinner. Next thing I know he was in the kitchen making it, AND even unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher!

I felt like a queen. Seriously. It was amazing. That is something that has never happened before in our marriage. It's normally him napping, which is fine, but the rest was great.

How did I get so lucky? I'm so blessed to have a wonderful husband and awesome children who love me so much!

Today, my grandma came and did a little cleaning, and now the girls are resting watching a movie, and I'm resting too. Dinner is cooking in the oven. It's cold, windy, and rainy, and I'm ready for my husband to come home.

And maybe, just maybe, this baby will come today. I think she's decided to stay in forever though.

17 days people, but remember, I'm not counting or anything. Not at all!

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